NAV Navbar

TTS as a Service gRPC API

Nuance TTS provides speech synthesis

Nuance TTS

Nuance TTS (Text to Speech) as a Service is powered by the Nuance Vocalizer for Cloud (NVC) engine, which synthesizes speech from plain text, SSML, or Nuance control codes. NVC works with Nuance Vocalizer for Enterprise (NVE) and Nuance voice packs to generate speech.

TTS as a Service lets you request speech synthesis from NVC engines running on Nuance-hosted machines. It works with voices in many languages and locales, with choices of gender and age.

The gRPC synthesizer protocol provided by NVC can request synthesis services in any of the programming languages supported by gRPC. An HTTP API for synthesis is also available.

An additional gRPC storage protocol can upload synthesis resources to cloud storage.

gRPC is an open source RPC (remote procedure call) software used to create services. It uses HTTP/2 for transport, and protocol buffers to define the structure of the application. NVC supports Protocol Buffers version 3, also known as proto3.

Version: v1

This release supports version v1 of the synthesizer API and v1beta1 of the storage API.

Prerequisites from Mix

Before developing your TTS gRPC application, you need a Nuance Mix project. This project provides credentials to run your application against the Nuance-hosted NVC engine.

  1. Create a Mix project and model: see Mix.nlu workflow to:

    • Create a Mix project.

    • Optionally build a model in the project. If you are using other Nuance "as a service" products (such as ASRaaS or NLUaaS), you may use the same Mix project for NVC. A model is not needed for your NVC application.

    • Create and deploy an application configuration for the project.

  2. Generate a client ID and "secret" in your Mix project: see Authorize your client application. Later you will use these credentials to request an access token to run your application.

  3. Learn the URL to call the TTS service: see Accessing a runtime service.

The URLs for NVC in the hosted Mix environment are:

gRPC setup

Install gRPC for programming language

$ python -m pip install --upgrade pip
$ python -m pip install grpcio
$ python -m pip install grpcio-tools

Download and unzip proto files

$ unzip
  inflating: nuance/rpc/error_details.proto
  inflating: nuance/rpc/status.proto
  inflating: nuance/rpc/status_code.proto
  inflating: nuance/tts/storage/v1beta1/storage.proto
  inflating: nuance/tts/v1/synthesizer.proto

Generate client stubs

# Generate Python stubs from TTS proto files
python -m grpc_tools.protoc --proto_path=./ --python_out=./ --grpc_python_out=./ nuance/tts/v1/synthesizer.proto
python -m grpc_tools.protoc --proto_path=./ --python_out=./ --grpc_python_out=./ nuance/tts/storage/v1beta1/storage.proto

# Generate Python stubs from RPC proto files
python -m grpc_tools.protoc --proto_path=./ --python_out=./ nuance/rpc/error_details.proto
python -m grpc_tools.protoc --proto_path=./ --python_out=./ nuance/rpc/status_code.proto
python -m grpc_tools.protoc --proto_path=./ --python_out=./ nuance/rpc/status.proto

Final structure of protos and stubs for TTS and storage

├── Your client apps here
└── nuance
    ├── rpc
    │   ├──
    │   ├── error_details.proto
    │   ├──
    │   ├── status_code.proto
    │   ├──
    │   └── status.proto
    └── tts
        ├── storage
        │   └── v1beta1
        │       ├──
        │       ├──
        │       └── storage.proto
        └── v1
            └── synthesizer.proto

The basic steps in using the NVC gRPC protocol are:

  1. Install gRPC for the programming language of your choice, including C++, Java, Python, Go, Ruby, C#, Node.js, and others. See gRPC Documentation for a complete list and instructions on using gRPC with each one.

  2. Download the NVC gRPC proto files, which contain a generic version of the functions or classes that perform speech synthesis and upload operations:

    Synthesizer and storage gRPC protos:

  3. Unzip the file in a location that your applications can access, for example in the directory that contains or will contain your client apps.

  4. If your programming language requires client stub files, generate the stubs from the proto files using gRPC protoc, following the Python example as guidance. The resulting files contain the information in the proto files in your programming language.

Once you have the proto files and optionally the client stubs, you are ready to start writing client applications with the help of the API and several sample applications. See:

Topic Description
Synthesizer API The gRPC protocol for synthesis.
Client app development A walk-through of the major components of a synthesis client using a simple client.
Sample synthesis client A full-fledged synthesis client, written in Python.
Storage API The gRPC protocol for uploading resources to cloud storage.
Sample storage client A client application for uploading synthesis resources to cloud storage, written in Python.

Client app development

The synthesizer gRPC protocol for NVC lets you create client applications for synthesizing text and obtaining information about available voices.

Sequence flow

The essential tasks are illustrated in the following high-level sequence flow of an application at run time.

Sequence flow

Development steps

Try it out: Copy client files into place (some proto files are omitted for clarity)

└── nuance
    ├── rpc (RPC message files)
    └── tts
        ├── storage (Storage files)
        └── v1 
            └── synthesizer.proto Shell script to authorize and run simple client


CLIENT_ID=<Mix client ID, colons replaced with %3A>
SECRET=<Mix client secret>
export MY_TOKEN="`curl -s -u "$CLIENT_ID:$SECRET" \ \
-d "grant_type=client_credentials" -d "scope=tts" \
| python -c 'import sys, json; print(json.load(sys.stdin)["access_token"])'`"

./ --server_url \
  --token $MY_TOKEN \
  --name "Zoe-Ml" \
  --model "enhanced" \
  --text "The wind was a torrent of darkness, among the gusty trees." \
  --output_wav_file "highwayman.wav" Simple client: adjust the first line for your environment

#!/usr/bin/env python3

# Import functions
import sys
import grpc
import argparse
from nuance.tts.v1.synthesizer_pb2 import *
from nuance.tts.v1.synthesizer_pb2_grpc import *
from google.protobuf import text_format

# Generate a .wav file header
def generate_wav_header(sample_rate, bits_per_sample, channels, audio_len, audio_format):
    # (4byte) Marks file as RIFF
    o = bytes("RIFF", 'ascii')
    # (4byte) File size in bytes excluding this and RIFF marker
    o += (audio_len + 36).to_bytes(4, 'little')
    # (4byte) File type
    o += bytes("WAVE", 'ascii')
    # (4byte) Format Chunk Marker
    o += bytes("fmt ", 'ascii')
    # (4byte) Length of above format data
    o += (16).to_bytes(4, 'little')
    # (2byte) Format type (1 - PCM)
    o += (audio_format).to_bytes(2, 'little')
    # (2byte) Will always be 1 for TTS
    o += (channels).to_bytes(2, 'little')
    # (4byte)
    o += (sample_rate).to_bytes(4, 'little')
    o += (sample_rate * channels * bits_per_sample // 8).to_bytes(4, 'little')  # (4byte)
    o += (channels * bits_per_sample // 8).to_bytes(2,'little')               # (2byte)
    # (2byte)
    o += (bits_per_sample).to_bytes(2, 'little')
    # (4byte) Data Chunk Marker
    o += bytes("data", 'ascii')
    # (4byte) Data size in bytes
    o += (audio_len).to_bytes(4, 'little')

    return o

# Define synthesis request
def create_synthesis_request(name, model, text, ssml, sample_rate, send_log_events, client_data):
    request = SynthesisRequest() = name
    request.voice.model = model

    pcm = PCM(sample_rate_hz=sample_rate)

    if text:
        request.input.text.text = text
    elif ssml:
        request.input.ssml.text = ssml
        raise RuntimeError("No input text or SSML defined.")

    request.event_params.send_log_events = send_log_events

    return request

def main():
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        usage="%(prog)s [-options]",
        formatter_class=lambda prog: argparse.HelpFormatter(
            prog, max_help_position=45, width=100)

    # Set arguments
    options = parser.add_argument_group("options")
    options.add_argument("-h", "--help", action="help",
                         help="Show this help message and exit")
    options.add_argument("--server_url", nargs="?",
                         help="Server hostname (default=localhost)", default="localhost:8080")
    options.add_argument("--token", nargs="?",
                         help="Access token", required=True)
    options.add_argument("--name", nargs="?", help="Voice name", required=True)
    options.add_argument("--model", nargs="?",
                         help="Voice model", required=True)
    options.add_argument("--sample_rate", nargs="?",
                         help="Audio sample rate (default=22050)", type=int, default=22050)
    options.add_argument("--text", nargs="?", help="Input text")
    options.add_argument("--ssml", nargs="?", help="Input SSML")
                         action="store_true", help="Subscribe to Log Events")
    options.add_argument("--output_wav_file", nargs="?",
                         help="Destination file path for synthesized audio")
    options.add_argument("--client_data", nargs="?",
                         help="Client information in key value pairs")

    args = parser.parse_args()

    # Create channel and stub 
    call_credentials = grpc.access_token_call_credentials(args.token)
    channel_credentials = grpc.composite_channel_credentials(
        grpc.ssl_channel_credentials(), call_credentials)

    # Send request and process results
    with grpc.secure_channel(args.server_url, credentials=channel_credentials) as channel:
        stub = SynthesizerStub(channel)
        request = create_synthesis_request(, model=args.model, text=args.text,
            ssml=args.ssml, sample_rate=args.sample_rate, send_log_events=args.send_log_events,
        stream_in = stub.Synthesize(request)
        audio_file = None
        wav_header = None
        total_audio_len = 0
            if args.output_wav_file:
                audio_file = open(args.output_wav_file, "wb")
                # Write an empty wav header for now, until we know the final audio length
                wav_header = generate_wav_header(sample_rate=args.sample_rate, bits_per_sample=16, channels=1, audio_len=0, audio_format=1)
            for response in stream_in:
                if response.HasField("audio"):
                    print("Received audio: %d bytes" % len(
                    total_audio_len = total_audio_len + len(
                elif response.HasField("events"):
                    print("Received events")
                    if response.status.code == 200:
                        print("Received status response: SUCCESS")
                        print("Received status response: FAILED")
                        print("Code: {}, Message: {}".format(response.status.code, response.status.message))
                        print('Error: {}'.format(response.status.details))
        except Exception as e:
        if audio_file:
            wav_header = generate_wav_header(sample_rate=args.sample_rate, bits_per_sample=16, channels=1, audio_len=total_audio_len, audio_format=1)
  , 0)
            print("Saved audio to {}".format(args.output_wav_file))

if __name__ == '__main__':

This section describes how to implement basic speech synthesis in the context of a simple Python client application, shown at the right.

This client synthesizes plain text or SSML input, streaming the audio back to the client and optionally creating an audio file containing the synthesized speech.

Try it out

You can try out this simple client application to synthesize text and save it in an audio file. To run it, you need:

Run the client using the shell script. All the arguments are in the shell script, including the text to synthesize and the output file.

$ ./
Received audio: 24926 bytes
Received audio: 11942 bytes
Received audio: 10580 bytes
Received audio: 9198 bytes
Received audio: 6316 bytes
Received audio: 8908 bytes
Received audio: 27008 bytes
Received audio: 59466 bytes
Received status response: SUCCESS
Saved audio to highwayman.wav

The synthesized speech is in the audio file, highwayman.wav, which you can play in an audio player.

Optionally synthesize your own text: edit the shell script to change the text and output_wav_file arguments, then rerun the client.

Read on to learn more about how this simple client is constructed.


Nuance Mix uses the OAuth 2.0 protocol for authorization. The client application must provide an access token to be able to access the NVC runtime service. The token expires after a short period of time so must be regenerated frequently.

Your client application uses the client ID and secret from the Mix Dashboard (see Prerequisites from Mix), along with the OAuth scope for NVC, to generate an access token from the Nuance authorization server.

The client ID starts with appID: followed by a unique identifier. If you are using the curl command, replace the colon with %3A so the value can be parsed correctly:


The OAuth scope for the NVC service is tts.

The token may be generated in several ways, either as part of the client application or as a script file. This Python example uses a Linux script to generate a token and store it in an environment variable. The token is then passed to the application, where it is used to create a secure connection to the TTS service.

Import functions

The first step is to import all functions from the NVC client stubs, synthesizer*.py, generated from the proto files in gRPC setup, along with other utilities. The client stubs (and the proto files) are in the following path under the location of the simple client:


Do not edit these synthesizer*.* files.

Set arguments

The client includes arguments that that it can accept, allowing users to customize its operation. For example:

To see the arguments, run the app with the --help option:

$ ./ --help
usage: [-options]
  -h, --help                           Show this help message and exit
  --server_url [SERVER_URL]            Server hostname (default=localhost)
  --token [TOKEN]                      Access token
  --name [NAME]                        Voice name
  --model [MODEL]                      Voice model
  --sample_rate [SAMPLE_RATE]          Audio sample rate (default=22050)
  --text [TEXT]                        Input text
  --ssml [SSML]                        Input SSML
  --send_log_events                    Subscribe to Log Events
  --output_wav_file [OUTPUT_WAV_FILE]  Destination file path for synthesized audio
  --client_data [CLIENT_DATA]          Client information in key value pairs

Define synthesis request

The client creates a synthesis request using SynthesisRequest, including the arguments received from the end user. In this example, the request looks for a voice name and model plus the input to synthesize, either plain text or SSML.

The input is provided in the script file that runs the client, for example:

Create channel and stub

To call NVC, the client creates a secure gRPC channel and authorizes itself by providing the URL of the hosted service and an access token.

In many situations, users can pass the service URL and token to the client as arguments. In this Python app, the URL is in the --server_url argument and the token is in --token.

A client stub function or class is defined using this channel information.

In some languages, this stub is defined in the generated client files: in Python it is named SynthesizerStub and in Go it is SynthesizerClient. In other languages, such as Java, you must create your own stub.

Send request and process results

Finally, the client calls the stub to send the synthesis request, then processes the response (a stream of responses) using the fields in SynthesisResponse.

The response returns the synthesized audio to the client, streaming it and optionally saving it in an audio file. In this client, the audio is saved to a file named in the --output_wav_file argument.

More features

Features not shown in this simple application are described in the sample synthesis client and other sections:

Sample synthesis client

Download and extract the sample synthesis client

$ unzip

$ chmod +x
$ chmod +x

Location of application files, above the directory holding the Python stubs

└── nuance
    ├── rpc (RPC message files)
    └── tts
        ├── storage (Storage files)
        └── v1 
            └── synthesizer.proto

This section contains a fully-functional Python client that you may download and use to synthesize speech using the Synthesizer API. To run this client, you need:

You can use the application to check for available voices and/or request synthesis. Here are a few scenarios you can try.

Run client for help

For a quick check that the client is working, and to see the arguments it accepts, run it using the help (-h or --help) option.

$ ./ -h

The token option is required. Other defaults mean you do not need to specify an input file or a server URL as you run the client.

Option Description
-h, --help Show help message.
-f, --file file(s) List of flow files to execute sequentially. Default is For multiple flow files, enter: --files
-p, --parallel Run each flow in a separate thread.
-i, --iterations num Number of times to run the list of files. Default is 1.
-s, --serverUrl url Mix TTS server URL, default is
--token token Mandatory. Access token. See step 1 in Run client for voices next.
--saveAudio Save whole audio to disk.
--saveAudioChunks Save each individual audio chunk to disk.
--saveAudioAsWav Save each audio file in WAV format.
--sendUnary Receive one response (UnarySynthesis) instead of a stream of responses (Synthesize).
‑‑maxReceiveSizeMB mb Maximum length of gRPC server response in megabytes. Default is 50 MB.

Run client for voices

Results from get-voices request

$ ./
2020-09-09 13:46:27,629 (140276734273344) INFO  Iteration #1
2020-09-09 13:46:27,638 (140276734273344) DEBUG Creating secure gRPC channel
2020-09-09 13:46:27,640 (140276734273344) INFO  Running file []
2020-09-09 13:46:27,640 (140276734273344) DEBUG [voice {
  language: "en-us"
2020-09-09 13:46:27,640 (140276734273344) INFO  Sending GetVoices request
2020-09-09 13:46:27,976 (140276734273344) INFO  voices {
  name: "Ava-Mls"
  model: "enhanced"
  language: "en-us"
  gender: FEMALE
  sample_rate_hz: 22050
  language_tlw: "enu"
  version: "2.0.1"
voices {
  name: "Evan"
  model: "enhanced"
  language: "en-us"
  gender: MALE
  sample_rate_hz: 22050
  language_tlw: "enu"
  version: "1.1.1"
voices {
  name: "Nathan"
  model: "enhanced"
  language: "en-us"
  gender: MALE
  sample_rate_hz: 22050
  language_tlw: "enu"
  version: "3.0.1"
voices {
  name: "Zoe-Ml"
  model: "enhanced"
  language: "en-us"
  gender: FEMALE
  sample_rate_hz: 22050
  language_tlw: "enu"
  version: "1.0.2"

2020-09-09 13:46:27,977 (140276734273344) INFO  Done running file []
2020-09-09 13:46:27,977 (140276734273344) INFO  Iteration #1 complete
2020-09-09 13:46:27,978 (140276734273344) INFO  Done

When you ask NVC to synthesize text, you must specify a named voice. To learn which voices are available, send a GetVoicesRequest, entering your requirements in the input file.

  1. Edit the run script,, to add your CLIENT_ID and SECRET and generate an access token. These are your Mix credentials as described in Authorize. The OAuth scope, tts, is included in the script, along with scopes for other Mix services.
    CLIENT_ID=<Mix client ID, replace colons with %3A>
    SECRET=<Mix client secret>
    export MY_TOKEN="`curl -s -u "$CLIENT_ID:$SECRET" \
    "" \
    -d "grant_type=client_credentials" -d "scope=asr nlu tts" \
    | python -c 'import sys, json; print(json.load(sys.stdin)["access_token"])'`"
    ./ --token $MY_TOKEN --saveAudio --saveAudioAsWav

  2. Edit the input file,, to request all American English voices, and turn off synthesis.
    from nuance.tts.v1.synthesizer_pb2 import *
    list_of_requests = []
    # GetVoices request
    request = GetVoicesRequest() = "Evan"
    request.voice.language = "en-us"     # Request all en-us voices
    # Add request to list
    list_of_requests.append(request)     # Enable voice request
    # Synthesis request
    #Add request to list
    #list_of_requests.append(request)    # Disable synthesis with #

  3. Run the client using the script file.
    $ ./

See the results at the right.

Get more voices

You can experiment with this request: for example, to see all available voices, remove or comment out all the request.voice lines, leaving only the main GetVoicesRequest.

# GetVoices request
request = GetVoicesRequest()            # Keep only this line = "Evan"
#request.voice.language = "en-us"

The results include all voices available from the Nuance-hosted NVC service.

Run client for synthesis

Results from synthesis request (some events are omitted)

$ ./
2020-09-09 13:58:52,142 (140022203164480) INFO  Iteration #1
2020-09-09 13:58:52,151 (140022203164480) DEBUG Creating secure gRPC channel
2020-09-09 13:58:52,153 (140022203164480) INFO  Running file []
2020-09-09 13:58:52,153 (140022203164480) DEBUG [voice {
  name: "Evan"
, voice {
  name: "Evan"
  model: "enhanced"
audio_params {
  audio_format {
    pcm {
      sample_rate_hz: 22050
  volume_percentage: 80
  speaking_rate_factor: 1.0
  audio_chunk_duration_ms: 2000
input {
  text {
    text: "This is a test. A very simple test."
event_params {
  send_log_events: true
user_id: "MyApplicationUser"
2020-09-09 13:58:52,154 (140022203164480) INFO  Sending GetVoices request
2020-09-09 13:58:52,303 (140022203164480) INFO  voices {
  name: "Evan"
  model: "enhanced"
  language: "en-us"
  gender: MALE
  sample_rate_hz: 22050
  language_tlw: "enu"
  version: "1.1.1"

2020-09-09 13:58:52,303 (140022203164480) INFO  Sending Synthesis request
. . . 
2020-09-09 13:58:52,663 (140022203164480) INFO  Received status response: SUCCESS
2020-09-09 13:58:52,664 (140022203164480) INFO  Wrote audio to flow.py_i1_s1.wav
2020-09-09 13:58:52,664 (140022203164480) INFO  Done running file []
2020-09-09 13:58:52,665 (140022203164480) INFO  Iteration #1 complete
2020-09-09 13:58:52,665 (140022203164480) INFO  Done

Once you know the voice you want to use, you can ask NVC to synthesize a simple test string and save the resulting audio in a wave file using a SynthesisRequest. Again enter your requirements in

  1. Look at and notice the –saveAudio and –saveAudioAsWav arguments. There is no need to include the ‑‑file argument since is the default input filename.
    . . . 
    ./ --token $MY_TOKEN --saveAudio --saveAudioAsWav

  2. Edit to verify that your voice is available, then request synthesis using that voice.

    from nuance.tts.v1.synthesizer_pb2 import *
    list_of_requests = []
    # GetVoices request
    request = GetVoicesRequest() = "Evan"         #  Request a specific voice 
    # Add request to list
    # Synthesis request
    request = SynthesisRequest()
 = "Evan"         # Request synthesis using that voice
    request.voice.model = "enhanced"
    pcm = PCM(sample_rate_hz=22050)
    request.audio_params.volume_percentage = 80
    request.audio_params.speaking_rate_factor = 1.0
    request.audio_params.audio_chunk_duration_ms = 2000
    request.input.text.text = "This is a test. A very simple test."
    request.event_params.send_log_events = True
    request.user_id = "MyApplicationUser"
    #Add request to list
    list_of_requests.append(request)    # Enable synthesis request

  3. Run the client using the script file.

    $ ./

See the results at the right and notice the audio file created:

Multiple requests

Results from multiple synthesis requests

$ ./
2020-09-27 14:26:27,209 (140665436571456) INFO  Iteration #1
2020-09-27 14:26:27,219 (140665436571456) DEBUG Creating secure gRPC channel
2020-09-27 14:26:27,221 (140665436571456) INFO  Running file []
2020-09-27 14:26:27,221 (140665436571456) DEBUG [voice {
  name: "Evan"
  model: "enhanced"
audio_params {
  audio_format {
    pcm {
      sample_rate_hz: 22050
input {
  text {
    text: "This is a test. A very simple test."
, 2, voice {
  name: "Evan"
  model: "enhanced"
audio_params {
  audio_format {
    pcm {
      sample_rate_hz: 22050
input {
  text {
    text: "Your coffee will be ready in 5 minutes."
, 2, voice {
  name: "Zoe-Ml"
  model: "enhanced"
audio_params {
  audio_format {
    pcm {
      sample_rate_hz: 22050
input {
  text {
    text: "The wind was a torrent of darkness, among the gusty trees."
2020-09-27 14:26:27,221 (140665436571456) INFO  Sending Synthesis request
2020-09-27 14:26:27,673 (140665436571456) INFO  Wrote audio to flow.py_i1_s1.wav
2020-09-27 14:26:27,673 (140665436571456) INFO  Waiting for 2 seconds
2020-09-27 14:26:29,675 (140665436571456) INFO  Sending Synthesis request
2020-09-27 14:26:29,883 (140665436571456) INFO  Wrote audio to flow.py_i1_s2.wav
2020-09-27 14:26:29,883 (140665436571456) INFO  Waiting for 2 seconds
2020-09-27 14:26:31,885 (140665436571456) INFO  Sending Synthesis request
2020-09-27 14:26:32,102 (140665436571456) INFO  Wrote audio to flow.py_i1_s3.wav
2020-09-27 14:26:32,102 (140665436571456) INFO  Done running file []
2020-09-27 14:26:32,102 (140665436571456) INFO  Iteration #1 complete
2020-09-27 14:26:32,102 (140665436571456) INFO  Done

You can send multiple requests for synthesis (and/or get voices) in the same session. For efficient communication with the NVC server, all requests use the same channel and stub. This scenario sends three synthesis requests.

  1. Edit to add two more synthesis requests. (You may keep the get-voices request or remove it.) Optionally pause for a couple of seconds after each synthesis request.

    from nuance.tts.v1.synthesizer_pb2 import *
    list_of_requests = []
    # Synthesis request 
    request = SynthesisRequest()         # First request = "Evan"
    request.voice.model = "enhanced"
    pcm = PCM(sample_rate_hz=22050)
    request.input.text.text = "This is a test. A very simple test."
    list_of_requests.append(2)           # Optionally pause after request 
    # Synthesis request 
    request = SynthesisRequest()         # Second request = "Evan" 
    request.voice.model = "enhanced"
    pcm = PCM(sample_rate_hz=22050)
    request.input.text.text = "Your coffee will be ready in 5 minutes."
    list_of_requests.append(2)           # Optionally pause after request 
    # Synthesis request 
    request = SynthesisRequest()         # Third request = "Zoe-Ml"
    request.voice.model = "enhanced"
    pcm = PCM(sample_rate_hz=22050)
    request.input.text.text = "The wind was a torrent of darkness, among the gusty trees."

  2. Run the client using the script file.

    $ ./

See the results at the right and notice the three audio files created:

Run client with resources

Results from synthesis request

$ ./
2021-05-23 15:56:19,442 (140367419443008) INFO  Iteration #1
2021-05-23 15:56:19,454 (140367419443008) DEBUG Creating secure gRPC channel
2021-05-23 15:56:19,458 (140367419443008) INFO  Running file []
2021-05-23 15:56:19,458 (140367419443008) DEBUG [voice {...}
audio_params {...}
input {
  text {
    text: "This is a test. A very simple test."
  resources {
    uri: "urn:nuance-mix:tag:tuning:lang/coffee_app/coffee_dict/en-us/mix.tts"
2021-05-23 15:56:19,458 (140367419443008) INFO  Sending Synthesis request
2021-05-23 15:56:20,015 (140367419443008) INFO  Wrote audio to flow.py_i1_s1.wav
2021-05-23 15:56:20,015 (140367419443008) INFO  Done running file []
2021-05-23 15:56:20,016 (140367419443008) INFO  Done

If you have uploaded synthesis resources using the Storage API (see the Sample storage client), you can reference them in a synthesis request. Enter the resources in

  1. Use with –saveAudio and –saveAudioAsWav arguments.
    . . . 
    ./ --token $MY_TOKEN --saveAudio --saveAudioAsWav

  2. Edit to specify a resource within the synthesis request, for example a user dictionary uploaded with the storage API.
    from nuance.tts.v1.synthesizer_pb2 import *
    . . . 
    # Synthesis request
    request = SynthesisRequest()
 = "Evan" 
    request.voice.model = "enhanced"
    pcm = PCM(sample_rate_hz=22050)
    user_dict = SynthesisResource()                    # Add a user dictionary
    user_dict.type = EnumResourceType.USER_DICTIONARY
    user_dict.uri = "urn:nuance-mix:tag:tuning:lang/coffee_app/coffee_dict/en-us/mix.tts"
    request.input.text.text = "This is a test. A very simple test."
    #Add request to list

  3. Run the client using the script file.
    $ ./

See the results at the right and notice the user dictionary listed under resources.

Other input: SSML and control codes

The input in these examples is plain text ("This is a test," etc.) but you can also provide input in the form of SSML and control codes.

See Reference topics - Input to synthesize for details and examples you can use in this sample application.

What's list_of_requests?

The application expects all input files to declare a global array named list_of_requests. It sequentially processes the requests contained in that array.

You may optionally instruct the application to wait a number of seconds between requests, by appending a number value to list_of_requests. For example:


Once request1 is complete, the application pauses for 1.5 seconds before executing request2.

Run client for unary response

Unary response gives one response for each request

2021-09-09 14:28:00,425 (140444352841536) INFO  Sending Unary Synthesis request
2021-09-09 14:28:00,425 (140444352841536) INFO  Received audio: 127916 bytes
2021-09-09 14:28:00,425 (140444352841536) INFO  First chunk latency: 0.1435282602906227 seconds
2021-09-09 14:28:00,425 (140444352841536) INFO  Average first-chunk latency (over 1 synthesis requests): 0.1435282602906227 seconds
2021-09-09 14:28:00,426 (140444352841536) INFO  Received events
2021-09-09 14:28:00,428 (140444352841536) INFO  events {
. . . 
2021-09-09 14:28:00,428 (140444352841536) INFO  Received status response: SUCCESS
2021-09-09 14:28:00,429 (140444352841536) INFO  Wrote audio to flow.py_i1_s1.wav
2021-09-09 14:28:00,429 (140444352841536) INFO  Done running file []
2021-09-09 14:28:00,431 (140444352841536) INFO  Iteration #1 complete
2021-09-09 14:28:00,431 (140444352841536) INFO  Average first-chunk latency (over 1 synthesis requests): 0.1435282602906227 seconds
2021-09-09 14:28:00,431 (140444352841536) INFO  Done

By default, the synthesized voice is streamed back to the client, but you may request a unary (non-streamed, single package) response. Using the sample client, include the ‑‑sendUnary argument as you run in, for example:

. . . 
./ --token $MY_TOKEN --saveAudio --saveAudioAsWav --sendUnary

This example uses the same input file as Run client for synthesis. In this unary response, the request returns a single non-streamed audio package. See the results at the right.

If you have multiple requests, each request returns a single audio package.

See also Streamed vs. unary response.

Sample storage client

Download and extract the sample storage client

$ unzip

$ chmod +x
$ chmod +x

Location of client files, above the directory holding the Python stubs

└── nuance
    ├── rpc (RPC message files)
    └── tts
        ├── storage
        │   └── v1beta1
        │       ├──
        │       ├──
        │       └── storage.proto
        └── v1 (Synthesizer files)

This section contains a Python client for uploading and deleting synthesis resources using the Storage API. To run this client, you need:

You can use the application to upload and delete synthesis resources to storage.

Run storage client for help

To check that the client is working, and to see the arguments it accepts, run it using the help (-h or --help) option.

$ ./ --help

Some options, shown in bold below, are required in all requests. Others are needed depending on the type.

Option Description
-h, --help Show help message.
--server_url url Hostname of NVC server, default localhost. Use
--token token Access token generated by Nuance Oauth service: See General options next.
‑‑max_chunk_size_bytes num Maximum size, in bytes, of each file chunk. Default is 4096 (4 MB).
--upload Send an upload RPC. Requires --context_tag, --name, and resource-specific options.
One of --upload or --delete is mandatory.
--delete Send a delete RPC. Requires the --uri option.
--file file File to upload. For ActivePrompt database, must be a zip file.
--context_tag tag A group name, either existing or new. If it doesn't exist, it will be created.
--name name A name for the resource within the context.
--type type The resource type, one of: activeprompt, user_dictionary, text_ruleset, or wav.
--language code IETF language code. Required when type is user_dictionary or text_ruleset.
--voice voice A Nuance voice. Required when type is activeprompt.
--voice_model model The voice model. Required when type is activeprompt.
--voice_version version The version of the voice. Required when type is activeprompt.
‑‑vocalizer_studio_version version The Nuance Vocalizer Studio version. Required when type is activeprompt.
--uri urn For the delete operation, the URN of the object to delete.

General options

First edit the shell script,, to add your credentials to generate an access token, and check the general access options.

CLIENT_ID=<Mix client ID, replace colons with %3A>
SECRET=<Mix client secret>
export MY_TOKEN="`curl -s -u "$CLIENT_ID:$SECRET" \
"" \
-d "grant_type=client_credentials" -d "scope=asr nlu tts" \
| python -c 'import sys, json; print(json.load(sys.stdin)["access_token"])'`"
./ server_url --token $MY_TOKEN
  --upload --type user_dictionary --file coffee-dictionary.dcb \
  --context_tag coffee_app --name coffee_dict \
  --language en-us 

Add or verify these values in the shell script:

Then use the shell script to add the options required for the type of resource you want to upload. See the following scenarios for details.

Upload user dictionary

Follow these steps to upload a user dictionary created in Nuance Vocalizer Studio. See Reference topics - User dictionary.

  1. Make sure contains your credentials as described in General options.

  2. Add the arguments for uploading a user dictionary, for example:

    ./ --server_url --token $MY_TOKEN \
      --upload --type user_dictionary --file coffee-dictionary.dcb \
      --context_tag coffee_app --name coffee_dict \
      --language en-us 

  3. Run the client using the script file to upload the user dictionary.

    $ ./
    2021-05-20 11:38:36,060 INFO  Type is User Dictionary
    2021-05-20 11:38:36,205 INFO  Done reading data
    2021-05-20 11:38:36,474 INFO  status {
        status_code: OK
    uri: "urn:nuance-mix:tag:tuning:lang/coffee_app/coffee_dict/en-us/mix.tts?type=userdict

To use this dictionary in your synthesis requests, reference it using the URN. The type=userdict field is for information only and is not required as part of the reference.

Upload ActivePrompts

Follow these steps to upload an ActivePrompt database created in Nuance Vocalizer Studio. See Reference topics - ActivePrompt database.

  1. Make sure contains your credentials as described in General options.

  2. Add the arguments for uploading an ActivePrompt database, for example:

    ./ --server_url --token $MY_TOKEN \
      --upload --type activeprompt --file \
      --context_tag coffee_app --name coffee_prompts \
      --voice evan --voice_model enhanced --voice_version 1.0.0 \
      --vocalizer_studio_version 3.4 

  3. Run the client using the script file to upload the ActivePrompt database.

    $ ./
    2021-05-20 11:40:16,389 INFO  Type is ActivePromptDB
    2021-05-20 11:40:16,648 INFO  Done reading data
    2021-05-20 11:40:16,961 INFO  status {
      status_code: OK
    uri: "urn:nuance-mix:tag:tuning:voice/coffee_app/coffee_prompts/evan/mix.tts?type=activeprompt"

To use this ActivePrompt database in your synthesis requests, reference it using the URN. The type=activeprompt field is for information only and is not required as part of the reference.

Upload rulesets

Follow these steps to upload a text ruleset. (Binary, or encrypted, rulesets are not supported.) See Reference topics - Ruleset.

  1. Make sure contains your credentials as described in General options.

  2. Add the arguments for uploading a text ruleset, for example:

    ./ --server_url --token $MY_TOKEN \
      --upload --type text_ruleset --file coffee-ruleset.rst.txt \
      --context_tag coffee_app --name coffee_rules \
      --language en-us 

  3. Run the client using the script file to upload the ruleset.

    $ ./
    2021-05-20 11:44:08,234 INFO  Type is Text User Ruleset
    2021-05-20 11:44:08,386 INFO  Done reading data
    2021-05-20 11:44:08,476 INFO  status {
      status_code: OK
    uri: "urn:nuance-mix:tag:tuning:lang/coffee_app/coffee_rules/en-us/mix.tts?type=textruleset"

To use this ruleset in your synthesis requests, reference it using the URN. The type=textruleset field is for information only and is not required as part of the reference.

Upload audio

Follow these steps to upload an audio wave file. See Reference topics - Audio file.

  1. Make sure contains your credentials as described in General options.

  2. Add the arguments for uploading an audio file, for example:

    ./ --server_url --token $MY_TOKEN \
      --upload --type wav --file greetings.wav \
      --context_tag coffee_app --name audio_hi 

  3. Run the client using the script file to upload the audio file.

    $ ./
    2021-05-20 11:53:55,761 INFO  Type is Wav
    2021-05-20 11:53:56,080 INFO  Done reading data
    2021-05-20 11:53:56,189 INFO  status {
      status_code: OK
    uri: "urn:nuance-mix:tag:tuning:audio/coffee_app/audio_hi/mix.tts?type=wav"

To use this audio recording in your synthesis requests, reference it using the URN. The type=wav field is for information only and is not required as part of the reference.

Delete resource

If you need to remove a resource from storage, include the --delete option and the resource URN.

  1. Make sure contains your credentials as described in General options.

  2. Add the arguments for deleting a resource. For example, this removes a previously-uploaded ruleset:

    ./ --server_url --token $MY_TOKEN \
      --delete \
      --uri urn:nuance-mix:tag:tuning:lang/coffee_app/coffee_rules/en-us/mix.tts 

  3. Run the client using the script file to delete the resource.

    $ ./
    2021-05-26 08:53:51,584 INFO  status {
      status_code: OK

The resource is removed from storage.

Reference topics

This section provides more information about topics in the gRPC APIs.

Status codes

An HTML status code is returned for all requests.

Code Message Indicates
200 Success Successful response.
400 Bad request A malformed or unsupported client request was rejected.
401 Unauthenticated Request could not be authorized. See Authorize.
403 Forbidden A restricted voice was requested but you are not authorized to use it.
413 Payload too large A synthesis request has exceeded the limits for voice switching.
500 Internal server error An unknown error has occurred on the server.
502 Resource error An error has occurred with a synthesis resource.

Streamed vs. unary response

One request, two possible responses (from proto file)

service Synthesizer {
    rpc Synthesize(SynthesisRequest) returns (stream SynthesisResponse) {} 
    rpc UnarySynthesize(SynthesisRequest) returns (UnarySynthesisResponse {}
. . .
message SynthesisRequest { 
    Voice voice = 1;  
    AudioParameters audio_params = 2; 
    Input input = 3;   
    EventParameters event_params = 4;  
    map<string, string> client_data = 5; 

message SynthesisResponse {
    oneof response {
        Status status = 1;   
        Events events = 2;   
        bytes audio = 3;     

message UnarySynthesisResponse {  
    Status status = 1;   
    Events events = 2;   
    bytes audio = 3;     

NVC offers two types of synthesis response: a streamed response available in SynthesisResponse and a non-streamed response in UnarySynthesisResponse.

The request is the same in both cases: SynthesisRequest specifies a voice, the input text to synthesize, and optional parameters. The response can be either:


The proto file provides the following defaults for messages in SynthesisRequest. Mandatory fields are shown in bold.

Items in SynthesisRequest Default
    voice (Voice)  
    name Mandatory, e.g. Evan
    model Mandatory, e.g. enhanced
    age_group (EnumAgeGroup) ADULT
    gender (EnumGender) ANY
    audio_params (AudioParameters)  
    audio_format (AudioFormat) PCM 22.5kHz
    volume_percentage 80
    speaking_rate_factor 1.0
    audio_chunk_duration_ms 20000 (20 seconds)
    target_audio_length_ms 0, meaning no maximum duration
    disable_early_emission False: Send audio segments as soon as possible
    input (Input)  
    text (Text) Mandatory: one of text, tokenized_sequence, or ssmls
    tokenized_sequence (TokenizedSequence)
    ssml (SSML)
      ssml_validation_mode (EnumSSMLValidationMode) STRICT
    escape_sequence (non-modifiable field) \! and <ESC>
    resources (SynthesisResource)  
      type (EnumResourceType) USER_DICTIONARY
    lid_params (LanguageIdentificationParameters)
      disable False: LID is turned on
      languages Empty, meaning use all available languages
      always_use_ highest_confidence False: Use highest language with any confidence score
    download_params (DownloadParameters)  
      headers Empty
      refuse_cookies False: Accept cookies
      request_timeout_ms NVC server default, usually 30000 (30 seconds)
    event_params (EventParameters)  
    send_sentence_marker_events False: Do not send
    send_word_marker_events False: Do not send
    send_phoneme_marker_events False: Do not send
    send_bookmark_marker_events False: Do not send
    send_paragraph_marker_events False: Do not send
    send_visemes False: Do not send
    send_log_events False: Do not send
    suppress_input False: Include text and URIs in logs
    client_data Empty
    user_id Empty

Input to synthesize

Plain text input

SynthesisRequest (
    voice = Voice (
        name = "Evan",
        model = "enhanced"),
    input.text.text = "Your order will be ready to pick up in 45 minutes."

SSML input containing plain text only

SynthesisRequest (
    voice = Voice (
        name = "Evan",
        model = "enhanced"),
    input = Input (
        ssml = SSML (
            text = "<speak>It's 24,901 miles around the earth, or 40,075 km.</speak>",
            ssml_validation_mode = WARN) 

SSML input containing text and SSML elements to change the volume

SynthesisRequest (
    voice = Voice (
        name = "Evan",
        model = "enhanced"),
    input = Input (
        ssml = SSML (
            text = '<speak><prosody volume="10">I can speak rather quietly,</prosody>
<prosody volume="90">But also very loudly.</prosody></speak>',
            ssml_validation_mode = WARN) 

Tokenized sequence input

SynthesisRequest (
    voice = Voice (
        name = "Evan",
        model = "enhanced"),
    input = Input (
        tokenized_sequence = TokenizedSequence (
            tokens = [
                Token (text = "My name is "),
                Token (control_code = ControlCode (key = "pause", value = "300")),
                Token (text = "Jeremiah Jones") ]

You provide the text for NVC to synthesize in the Input message. It can be plain text, SSML code, or a sequence of plain text and Nuance control codes.

If you are using the Sample synthesis client, enter the different types of input as request.input lines in the input file, (When contains multiple requests, it executes only the last uncommented section.) For example, using an American English voice:

SSML tags

Generic example, with optional elements omitted

<speak>Text before SSML element.
<prosody volume="10">Text following or affected by SSML element code.</prosody> 

Optional elements may be included without error

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<speak xmlns="" xml:lang="en-US" version="1.0">
Text before SSML element. 
<prosody volume="10">Text following or affected by SSML element code.</prosody> 

Examples using with sample client

# You can enclose the SSML in double quotes with single quotes inside
request.input.ssml.text = "<speak>It's easy. Take a deep breath, pause for a second or two <break time='1500ms'/> and then exhale slowly.</speak>"

# Or vice versa, escaping any apostrophes
request.input.ssml.text = '<speak>It\'s easy. Take a deep breath, pause for a second or two <break time="1500ms"/> and then exhale slowly.</speak>'

# Or enclose in three single (or double) quotes for multiline text
request.input.ssml.text = '''<speak>It's easy. 
Take a deep breath, pause for a second or two
<break time="1500ms"/> and then exhale slowly.

SSML elements may be included when using the input type Input - SSML. These tags indicate how the text segments within the tag should be spoken.

See Control codes to accomplish the same type of control in tokenized sequence input.

NVC supports the following SSML elements and attributes in SSML input. For details about these items, see SSML Specification 1.0. Note that NVC does not support all SSML elements and attributes listed in the W3C specification.

Switching voice and/or language

You can change the voice and/or the language of the speaker within SSML input, using several methods. These elements change to a voice with a different language:

And this control code changes the language in a multilingual voice:


xml (optional) and speak (with optional attributes)

<speak>Input text and tags</speak>

Optional elements may be included if wanted

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<speak xmlns="" xml:lang="en-US" version="1.0">
Input text and tags</speak>

An XML declaration, specifying the XML version, 1.0.

In NVC, this element is optional. If omitted, NVC adds it automatically.


The root SSML element. Mandatory. It contains the required attributes, xml:lang and version, and encloses text to be synthesized along with optional elements shown below. The xml:lang attribute sets the base language for the synthesis.

In NVC, the attributes of this element are optional: only <speak> is required. If the attributes are omitted, NVC adds them automatically to the speak element.

Optional attributes may be specified if wanted. If you include the language with xml:lang, it must match the language of the principal voice.


Audio file in cloud storage via URN

<speak>Please leave your name after the tone. 
<audio src="urn:nuance-mix:tag:tuning:audio/coffee_app/beep/mix.tts" />

Audio file via secure URL

<speak>Please leave your name after the tone. 
<audio src="" />

The audio element inserts a digital audio recording at the current location. The src attribute specifies the location of the recording as either:

Alternative text

Alternative text for URN or URL access

<speak>Please leave your name after the tone. 
<audio src="urn:nuance-mix:tag:tuning:audio/coffee_app/beep/mix.tts">Beep</audio>

<speak>Please leave your name after the tone. 
<audio src="">Beep</audio>

For both URN and URL access, you may include alternative text in the <audio> element. If the audio file cannot be found or is not a WAV file, NVC synthesizes the alternative text and includes it in the results. In these examples, if the audio file is unavailable, the synthesis results are: "Please leave your name after the tone. Beep."

Without the alternative text, NVC reports an error if the file is not a WAV file or is not accessed through a URN or an https URL.

WAV format

NVC supports WAV files containing 16-bit PCM samples.



<speak>His name is <break time="300ms"/> Michael. </speak>

<speak>Tom lives in New York City. So does John. He\'s at 180 Park Ave. <break strength="none"/> Room 24.</speak>

The break element controls pausing between words, overriding the default breaks based on punctuation in the text. The break tag has two optional attributes:

These examples are read as: "His name is... Michael" and "Tom lives in New York City. So does John. He’s at one hundred eighty Park Avenue room twenty four." Notice there's no break between "Park Avenue" and "room twenty four."


lang using escape code, in input flow file = "Zoe-Ml"
request.voice.model = "enhanced"
request.input.ssml.text = "<speak>Hello and welcome to \!\lang=fr-CA\ St-Jean-sur-Richelieu \!\lang=normal\. </speak>"

When used in SSML with a multilingual (-Ml) voice, the lang control code switches to another language supported by the voice. This example uses Zoe-Ml, defined with two languages apart from American English.

voices {
  name: "Zoe-Ml"
  model: "enhanced"
  language: "en-us"
  . . .
  foreign_languages: "es-mx"
  foreign_languages: "fr-ca"

In this example, Zoe starts in her English voice, then switches to her French voice to read "St-Jean-sur-Richelieu" using French pronunciation. When lang is used with a non-multilingual voice, the text is pronounced using the voice's base language.

This code is supported in SSML using escape code format, as shown.



<speak>This bookmark <mark name="bookmark1"/> marks a reference point. 
Another <mark name="bookmark2"/> does the same.</speak>

The mark element inserts a bookmark that is returned in the results. The value can be any string.



<speak><p>Welcome to Vocalizer.</p>
<p>Vocalizer is a state-of-the-art text to speech system.</p></speak>

p with change to a Spanish voice

<speak>Say English for an English message. 
<p xml:lang="es-MX">O decir español para un mensaje en español.</p></speak>

The p element indicates a paragraph break. A paragraph break is equivalent to break strength="x-strong".

The optional xml:lang attribute switches to a voice whose base language is the locale specified. It does not use a foreign language of the current voice. If possible, the same gender as the original voice is used.

In the second scenario, installed voices include en-US voices, Evan and Zoe-Ml, as well as es-MX voices, Javier and Paulina-Ml. In this example, Evan reads the English text, then Javier reads the Spanish. When starting with Zoe-Ml, the female Paulina-Ml voice is selected as the Spanish voice.


The prosody element specifies intonation in the generated voice using several attributes. You may combine multiple attributes within the same prosody element.

prosody - pitch

prosody - pitch

<speak>Hi, I\'m Zoe. This is the normal pitch and timbre of my voice.
<prosody pitch="80" timbre="90">But now my voice sounds lower and richer.</prosody></speak>

Prosody pitch changes the speaking voice to sound lower (lower values) or higher (higher values). Not supported for all languages. The value is a keyword, a number (50-200, default is 100), or a relative percentage (+/-n%). The keywords are:

You may combine pitch, rate, and timbre for more precise results. For example, pitch and timbre values of 80 or 90 for a female voice give a more neutral voice.

prosody - rate

prosody - rate

<speak>This is my normal speaking rate. 
<prosody rate="+50%"> But I can speed up the rate.</prosody>
<prosody rate="-25%"> Or I can slow it down.</prosody></speak>

Prosody rate sets the speaking rate as a keyword, a number (0-100), or a relative percentage (+/-n%). The keywords are:

prosody - timbre

prosody - timbre

<speak>This is the normal timbre of my voice. 
<prosody timbre="young"> I can sound a bit younger. </prosody> 
<prosody timbre="old" rate="-10%"> Or older and hopefully wiser. </prosody></speak>

Prosody timbre changes the speaking voice to sound bigger and older (lower values) or smaller and younger (higher values). Not supported for all languages. The value is a keyword, a number (50-200, default is 100), or a relative percentage (+/-n%). The keywords are:

prosody - volume

prosody - volume

<speak>This is my normal speaking volume. 
<prosody volume="-50%">I can also speak rather quietly,</prosody> 
<prosody volume="+50%"> or also very loudly.</prosody></speak>

Prosody volume changes the speaking volume. The value is a keyword, a number (0-100), or a relative percentage (+/-n%). The keywords are: silent, x-soft, soft, medium (default), loud, or x-loud.



<speak><s>The wind was a torrent of darkness, among the gusty trees</s>
<s>The moon was a ghostly galleon, tossed upon cloudy seas</s></speak>

p with change to a French Canadian voice

<speak>The name of the song is <s xml:lang="fr-CA"> Je ne regrette rien.</s></speak>

The s element indicates a sentence break. A sentence break is equivalent to break strength="strong".

The optional xml:lang attribute works as for the p element. In this example, it switches to a fr-CA voice to say the name of the song.



<speak>My address is: <say-as interpret-as="address">Apt. 17, 28 N. Whitney St., Saint Augustine Beach, FL 32084-6715</say-as></speak>

<say-as interpret-as="currency">12USD</say-as>

<say-as interpret-as="date">11/21/2020</say-as>

<say-as interpret-as="name">Care Telecom Ltd</say-as>
<say-as interpret-as="name">King Richard III</say-as> 

<say-as interpret-as="ordinal">12th</say-as>

<say-as interpret-as="phone">1-800-688-0068</say-as>

<say-as interpret-as="raw">app.</say-as>

<say-as interpret-as="sms">CU :-)</say-as>

<say-as interpret-as="spell" format="alphanumeric">a34y - 347</say-as>

<say-as interpret-as="spell" format="strict">a34y - 347</say-as>

<say-as interpret-as="state">FL</say-as>

<say-as interpret-as="streetname">Emerson Rd.</say-as>

<say-as interpret-as="streetnumber">11001-11010</say-as>

<say-as interpret-as="time">10:00</say-as>

<say-as interpret-as="zip">01803</say-as>

The say-as element controls how to say specific types of text, using the interpret-as attribute to specify a value and (in some cases) a format. A wide range of input is accepted for most values. The values are:



<speak>Hello, this is Samantha. <style name="lively">Hope you’re having a nice day!</style></speak>

<speak>Hello, this is Samantha. <style name="lively">Hope you’re having a nice day!</style>
<voice name="nathan">Hello, this is Nathan.</voice></speak>

The style element sets the speaking style of the voice. Values for name depend on the voice but are usually neutral, lively, forceful, and apologetic. The default depends on the voice. If you request a style that the voice does not support, there is no effect.

The first example reads "Hello, this is Samantha" in Samantha's default style, then switches to lively style to say "Hope you're having a nice day!"

The style resets to default at the end of the synthesis request or if it encounters a change of voice. The second example continues with Nathan in default style saying "Hello, I am Nathan."



<speak><voice name="samantha">Hello, this is Samantha. </voice>
<voice name="tom">Hello, this is Tom.</voice></speak>

This voices changes to a French voice, Audrey-Ml

<speak>Hi, my name is Zoe. 
<voice name="Audrey-Ml">Bonjour, je m\'appelle Audrey.</voice></speak>

The voice element changes the speaking voice, which also forces a sentence break. Values for name are the voices available to the session.

If you specify a voice with another language, the text is spoken using that language.

Control codes

Tokenized sequence structure

SynthesisRequest - Input - TokenizedSequence - 
    Token (text = "Text before control code"),
    Token (control_code=ControlCode (key="code name", value="code value")),
    Token (text = "Text following or affected by control code")

Example using with sample client

    Token (text = "My name and address is: "),
    Token (control_code = ControlCode (key = "tn", value = "name")),
    Token (text = "Aardvark & Sons Co. Inc.,"),
    Token (control_code = ControlCode (key = "tn", value = "address")),
    Token (text = "123 E. Forest Ave., Portland, ME 04103"),
    Token (control_code = ControlCode (key = "tn", value = "normal"))

Control codes, sometimes known as control sequences, may be included in the input text when using the input type Input - TokenizedSequence. These codes indicate how the text segments following the code should be spoken.

See Input to synthesize for an example using the sample client.

See SSML tags to accomplish the same types of control in SSML input.

Nuance supports the following control codes and values in TokenizedSequence.


Audio file in cloud storage via URN

Token (text = "Please leave your name after the tone. "),
Token (control_code = ControlCode (key = "audio", 
   value = "urn:nuance-mix:tag:tuning:audio/coffee_app/beep/mix.tts"))

Audio file from URL

Token (text = "Please leave your name after the tone. "),
Token (control_code = ControlCode (key = "audio", 
   value = "")) 

The audio code inserts a digital audio recording at the current location. The value attribute specifies the location of the recording, as either:

NVC supports WAV files containing 16-bit PCM samples.

If the audio file cannot be found or is not a WAV file, NVC reports an error. With the Synthesize method, NVC synthesizes any text tokens in the sequence but does not download or include the file. In these examples, if the audio file is unavailable, the results are only: "Please leave your name after the tone."

With UnarySynthesize, NVC does not synthesize anything and simply reports an error.



Token (text = "Tom lives in the U.S."),
Token (control_code=ControlCode (key="eos", value="1")),
Token (text = "So does John. 180 Park Ave."),
Token (control_code=ControlCode (key="eos", value="0")),
Token (text = "Room 24")

The eos code controls end-of-sentence detection. Values are:

To disable automatic end-of-sentence detection for a block of text, use readmode explicit_eos.


lang with unknown

Token (text = "The name of the song is."),
Token (control_code=ControlCode (key="lang", value="unknown")),
Token (text = "Au clair de la lune."),
Token (control_code=ControlCode (key="lang", value="normal")),
Token (text = "It's a folk song meaning, in the light of the moon.")

lang with specific language

Token (text = "Hello and welcome to the city of "),
Token (control_code=ControlCode (key="lang", value="fr-CA")),
Token (text = "St-Jean-sur-Richelieu."),
Token (control_code=ControlCode (key="lang", value="normal"))

The lang code labels text identified as from an unknown language, or a specific language. Values are:

The value lang unknown labels all text from that position (up to a lang normal or the end of input) as being from an unknown language. NVC then uses its language identification feature on a sentence-by-sentence basis to determine the language, and switches to a voice for that language if necessary. The original voice is restored at the next lang normal or the end of the synthesis request.

See LanguageIdentificationParameters.

Language identification is only supported for a limited set of languages.

When used with a multilingual (-Ml) voice, the lang code switches to another language supported by the voice. This example uses Zoe-Ml, defined with two languages apart from American English.

voices {
  name: "Zoe-Ml"
  model: "enhanced"
  language: "en-us"
  . . .
  foreign_languages: "es-mx"
  foreign_languages: "fr-ca"

In this example, the voice reads "St-Jean-sur-Richelieu" using French pronunciation, while the rest of the sentence is in English. When the lang code is used with a non-multilingual voice, "St-Jean-sur-Richelieu" is pronounced using the voice's base language.



Token (control_code=ControlCode (key="mrk", value="important")),
Token (text = "This is an important point. ")

The mrk code inserts a bookmark that is returned in the results. The value can be any name.



Token (text = "My name is "),
Token (control_code=ControlCode (key="pause", value="300")),
Token (text = "Jeremiah Jones. ")

The pause code inserts a pause of a specified duration in milliseconds. Values from 1 to 65,535.



Token (text = "Introduction to Vocalizer"),
Token (control_code=ControlCode (key="para")),
Token (text = "Vocalizer is a state-of-the-art text-to-speech system.")

The para code indicates a paragraph break and implies a sentence break. The difference between this and eos 1 (end of sentence) is that this triggers the delivery of a paragraph mark event.



Token (text = "Hi I'm Zoe. This is the normal pitch and timbre of my voice."),
Token (control_code=ControlCode (key="pitch", value="80")),
Token (control_code=ControlCode (key="timbre", value="90")),
Token (text = "But now my voice sounds lower and richer.")

The pitch code changes the speaking voice to sound lower (lower values) or higher (higher values). Values are between 50 and 200, and 100 is typical.

You may combine pitch, rate, and timbre for more precise results. For example, pitch and timbre values of 80 or 90 for a female voice give a more neutral voice.



Token (control_code=ControlCode (key="prompt", value="banking::confirm_account_number")),
Token (text = "Thanks ")

The prompt code inserts an ActivePrompt at a specific location in the text. The value is the name of the prompt within an ActivePrompt database.

To use an ActivePrompt database, you must upload it to central storage using UploadRequest and load it into the session using SynthesisRequest - Input - SynthesisResource - EnumResourceType - ACTIVEPROMPT_DB or ACTIVEPROMPT_DB_AUTO.



Token (text = "I can "),
Token (control_code=ControlCode (key="rate", value="75")),
Token (text = "speed up the rate"),
Token (control_code=ControlCode (key="rate", value="25")),
Token (text = "or slow it down")

The rate code sets the speaking rate as a percentage of the default speaking rate. Values are from 1 to 100, with 50 as the default rate.

You may combine the pitch, rate, and timbre codes for more precise results.



Token (control_code=ControlCode (key="readmode", value="sent")),
Token (text = "Please buy green apples. You can also get pears.")

Token (control_code=ControlCode (key="readmode", value="char")),
Token (text = "Apples")

Token (control_code=ControlCode (key="readmode", value="word")),
Token (text = "Please buy green apples.")

Token (control_code=ControlCode (key="readmode", value="line")),
Token (text = "Bananas. Low-fat milk. Whole wheat flour.")

Token (control_code=ControlCode (key="readmode", value="explicit_eos")),
Token (text = "Bananas. Low-fat milk. Whole wheat flour.")

The readmode code changes the reading mode from sentence mode (the default) to specialized modes. Values are the modes:

Return to readmode sent after the specialized readme.



Token (control_code=ControlCode (key="vol", value="10")),
Token (text = "The volume is set to a low value."),
Token (control_code=ControlCode (key="rst")),
Token (text = "Now it is reset to its default value.")

The rst code resets all codes to the default values.



Token (control_code=ControlCode (key="tn", value="spell")),
Token (control_code=ControlCode (key="spell", value="200")),
Token (text = "a134b"),
Token (control_code=ControlCode (key="tn", value="normal"))

The spell code sets the inter-character pause, in milliseconds, for tn - spell. Values are from 1 to 65535.



Token (text = "Hello, this is Samantha. "),
Token (control_code=ControlCode (key="style", value="lively")),
Token (text = "Hope you're having a nice day!")

Token (text = "Hello, this is Samantha. "),
Token (control_code=ControlCode (key="style", value="lively")),
Token (text = "Hope you're having a nice day!"),
Token (control_code=ControlCode (key="voice", value="nathan")),
Token (text = "Hello, this is Nathan."),

The style code sets the speaking style of the voice. Values depend on the voice but are usually neutral, lively, forceful, and apologetic. The default is usually neutral. If you request a style that the voice does not support, there is no effect.

The first example reads "Hello, this is Samantha" in Samantha's default style, then switches to lively style to say "Hope you're having a nice day!"

The style resets to default at the end of the synthesis request or if it encounters a change of voice. The second example continues with Nathan in default style saying "Hello, this is Nathan."



Token (control_code=ControlCode (key="timbre", value="180")),
Token (text = "I can sound quite young. "),
Token (control_code=ControlCode (key="timbre", value="50")),
Token (text = "Or I can sound old and maybe wise. "),
Token (control_code=ControlCode (key="tn", value="normal"))

The timbre code changes the speaking voice to sound bigger and older (lower values) or smaller and younger (higher values). Values are between 50 and 200, and 100 is typical.

You may combine the pitch, rate, and timbre codes for more precise results.


The tn code guides text normalization. Values are the different types of text.

tn - address

tn - address

Token (control_code=ControlCode (key="tn", value="address")),
Token (text = "Apt. 7-12, 28 N. Whitney St., Saint Augustine Beach, FL 32084-6715 "),
Token (control_code=ControlCode (key="tn", value="normal")) 

Full name and address

Token (control_code=ControlCode (key="tn", value="name")),
Token (text = "Aardvark & Sons Co. Inc., "),
Token (control_code=ControlCode (key="tn", value="address")),
Token (text = "123 E. Forest Ave., Portland, ME 04103 "),
Token (control_code=ControlCode (key="tn", value="normal")) 

The tn - address code provides optimal reading for complete postal addresses.

Do not include the name portion of the address to avoid undesired expansions of name-specific abbreviations. Instead, include the name in a separate tn - name section prior to the tn - address.

For example, the full name and address at the right is read as: "Aardvark and Sons Company Incorporated, one two three East Forest avenue, Portland, Maine, zero four one zero three."

tn - alphanumeric

The tn - alphanumeric code is an alias of tn - spell:alphanumeric.

tn - boolean

tn - boolean

Token (control_code=ControlCode (key="tn", value="boolean")),
Token (text = "true "),
Token (control_code=ControlCode (key="tn", value="normal")) 

The tn - boolean code reads boolean values (true, false, yes, no) by spelling them out. This example spells out "T R U E."

tn - cardinal

The tn - cardinal code is an alias of tn - number.

tn - characters

The tn - characters code is an alias of tn - spell:alphanumeric.

tn - currency

tn - currency

Token (control_code=ControlCode (key="tn", value="currency")),
Token (text = "123.45USD "),
Token (control_code=ControlCode (key="tn", value="normal")) 

The tn - currency code reads text as currency. For example, "123.45USD" is read as "one hundred twenty three U S dollars and forty five cents."

tn - date

tn - date

Token (control_code=ControlCode (key="tn", value="date")),
Token (text = "11/21/1984 "),
Token (control_code=ControlCode (key="tn", value="normal")) 

The tn - date code reads text as a date. For example, "11/21/1984" is read as "November twenty-first, nineteen eighty four."

The precise output is determined by the voice, and ambiguous dates are interpreted according to the conventions of the voice's locale. For example, "05/12/2020" is read by an American English voice as "May twelfth two thousand twenty" and by a British English voice as "the fifth of December two thousand and twenty."

tn - digits

The tn - digits code is an alias for tn - spell:alphanumeric.

tn - name

tn - name

Token (control_code=ControlCode (key="tn", value="name")),
Token (text = "Care Telecom Ltd. "),
Token (control_code=ControlCode (key="tn", value="normal")) 

Token (text = "I'm talking about "),
Token (control_code=ControlCode (key="tn", value="name")),
Token (text = "King Richard III "),
Token (control_code=ControlCode (key="tn", value="normal")),
Token (text = ". He lived in the 15th century. ")

The tn - name code gives correct reading of names, including personal names with roman numerals, such as Pius IX (read as "Pius the ninth"), John I ("John the first"), and Richard III ("Richard the third"). The name must be capitalized but the roman numeral may be in upper or lowercase (III or iii). Do not include punctuation immediately following the roman numeral in the tn - name text. If punctuation is required, include it in the tn - normal text.

The examples at the right are read as: "Care Telecom Limited" and "I'm talking about Richard the third. He lived in the fifteenth century."

tn - normal

The tn - normal code returns to generic normalization following a text fragment that is normalized in a special way. All the examples in this tn section include tn - normal following the specific normalization segment.

tn - ordinal

tn - ordinal

Token (control_code=ControlCode (key="tn", value="ordinal")),
Token (text = "12th "),
Token (control_code=ControlCode (key="tn", value="normal")) 

The tn - ordinal code reads positional numbers such as 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and so on.

tn - phone

tn - phone

Token (control_code=ControlCode (key="tn", value="phone")),
Token (text = "1-800-688-0068 "),
Token (control_code=ControlCode (key="tn", value="normal")) 

The tn - phone code reads telephone numbers. For example, "1-800-688-0068" is read as "One, eight hundred, six eight eight, zero zero six eight."

tn - raw

tn - raw

Token (control_code=ControlCode (key="tn", value="raw")),
Token (text = "app. "),
Token (control_code=ControlCode (key="tn", value="normal")) 

The tn - raw code provides a literal reading of the text, such as blocking undesired abbreviation expansion. It operates principally on the abbreviations and acronyms but may impact the surrounding text as well.

For example, "app." is read as "app" only, without expanding the abbreviation.

tn - scope

tn - scope

Token (control_code=ControlCode (key="tn", value="biking")),
Token (text = "Welcome to the randonneuring hotline. Every brevet in the series begins on Thursday mornings. "),
Token (control_code=ControlCode (key="tn", value="normal")) 

Use the control sequence tn=scope to activate a dictionary for a specific scope. The value of scope is any TN type including any user-defined types you might create.

When creating a dictionary with Vocalizer Studio, you define a scope by assigning a domain to that dictionary. When the dictionary is loaded, the scope is declared as a suffix to the MIME type. When your application supplies marked-up text to be spoken, the mark-up can activate that dictionary by referring to its scope: when the mark-up matches the language and scope of any loaded dictionary, Vocalizer consults that dictionary at runtime. Otherwise, Vocalizer ignores dictionaries that don't match the language and scope.

Imagine you have an English-speaking application for the sport of long-distance bicycling, and many of the technical descriptions use French words such as "brevet" and "randonneuring" with peculiar American pronunciations. You could create a user dictionary designated as a "biking" domain.

In the example at the right, the dictionary might normalize the spoken text as "Welcome to the render nearing hotline. Every brevay in the series begins on Thursday mornings."

tn - sms

tn - sms

Token (control_code=ControlCode (key="tn", value="sms")),
Token (text = "ttyl, James, :-) "),
Token (control_code=ControlCode (key="tn", value="normal")) 

The tn - sms code gives short message service (SMS) reading. For example, "ttyl, James, :-)" is read as "Talk to you later, James, smiley happy."

tn - spell:alphanumeric

tn - spell:alphanumeric

Token (control_code=ControlCode (key="tn", value="spell:alphanumeric")),
Token (text = "a34y - 347"),
Token (control_code=ControlCode (key="tn", value="normal")) 

The tn - spell:alphanumeric code spells out all alphabetic and numeric characters, but does not read white space, special characters, and punctuation marks. This is how items are spoken with and without this code, in American English.

Input With spell:alphanumeric Without spell:alphanumeric
a34y - 347 A three four Y three four seven a thirty-four y three hundred forty-seven
12345 one two three four five twelve thousand three hundred forty-five
Smythe capital S M Y T H E smith

For both types of spell normalization, accented and capital characters are indicated. For example: "café" is spoken as "C A F E acute" and "Abc" is spoken as "capital A B C."

tn - spell:strict

tn - spell:strict

Token (control_code=ControlCode (key="tn", value="spell:strict")),
Token (text = "a34y - 347"),
Token (control_code=ControlCode (key="tn", value="normal"))

The tn - spell:strict code spells out all characters, including white space, special characters, and punctuation marks.

For example, "a34y - 347" is pronounced "A three four Y, space hyphen space, three four seven."

tn - state

tn - state

Token (control_code=ControlCode (key="tn", value="state")),
Token (text = "FL"),
Token (control_code=ControlCode (key="tn", value="normal"))

The tn - state code expands and pronounces state, city, and province names and abbreviations, as appropriate for the locale. Not supported for all languages.

tn - streetname

tn - streetname

Token (control_code=ControlCode (key="tn", value="streetname")),
Token (text = "Emerson Rd."),
Token (control_code=ControlCode (key="tn", value="normal"))

The tn - streetname reads street names and abbreviations. Not supported for all languages.

tn - telephone

The tn - telephone code is an alias of tn - phone.

tn - time

tn - time

Token (control_code=ControlCode (key="tn", value="time")),
Token (text = "10:00"),
Token (control_code=ControlCode (key="tn", value="normal"))

The tn - time code gives a time of day reading. For example, 10:00 is pronounced "ten o'clock."

tn- zip

tn - zip

Token (control_code=ControlCode (key="tn", value="zip")),
Token (text = "01803"),
Token (control_code=ControlCode (key="tn", value="normal"))

The tn - zip code reads US zip codes. Supported for American English only.



Token (control_code=ControlCode (key="voice", value="samantha")),
Token (text = "Hello, this is Samantha."),
Token (control_code=ControlCode (key="voice", value="tom")),
Token (text = "Hello, this is Tom.")

voice changes language

Token (control_code=ControlCode (key="voice", value="samantha")),
Token (text = "Hello, this is Samantha."),
Token (control_code=ControlCode (key="voice", value="aurelie")),
Token (text = "Bonjour, je m\'appelle Aurelie.")

The voice code changes the speaking voice, which also forces a sentence break. Values are the voices within the request.

If you specify a voice in another language, the text is spoken using that language.



Token (text = "I can "),
Token (control_code=ControlCode (key="vol", value="10")),
Token (text = "speak rather quietly,"),
Token (control_code=ControlCode (key="vol", value="90")),
Token (text = "but also very loudly.")

The vol code changes the volume as a percentage of maximum volume. Values are from 0 (silent) to 100 (maximum volume). The default is typically 80.



Token (control_code=ControlCode (key="wait", value="2")),
Token (text = "There will be a short wait period after this sentence."),
Token (control_code=ControlCode (key="wait", value="9")),
Token (text = "This sentence will be followed by a long wait. Did you notice the difference? ")

The wait code specifies the end-of-sentence pause duration. Values are from 0 to 9, where the pause is 200 milliseconds multiplied by the value.

Synthesis resources

Synthesis resources are objects that facilitate or improve speech synthesis. The principal resource is a mandatory voice pack and optional resources include user dictionaries, ActivePrompt databases, rulesets, and audio files.

To use these optional resources, upload them to storage using UploadRequest, then reference them in SynthesisResource - type and uri. You may also specify user dictionaries inline, using SynthesisResource - body.

See the following scenarios for details about each type of resource.

Voice pack

NVC works with one or more factory voice packs, available in several languages and locales.

For the list of voices available in the Mix environment, see Languages and Voices - Text-to-Speech (TTS) voices.

You may also query your environment programmatically for supported voices using GetVoicesRequest. See Sample synthesis client - Run client for voices for an example.

For issues relating to voices, see Known issues.

User dictionary

Compile source dictionary in Vocalizer Studio

$ ls

Upload dictionary to storage

$ --upload --type user_dictionary --file coffee-dictionary.dcb ...

uri: "urn:nuance-mix:tag:tuning:lang/coffee_app/coffee_dict/en-us/mix.tts?type=userdict"

Reference dictionary in synthesis session

synthesis_resource = SynthesisResource()
synthesis_resource.type = EnumResourceType.USER_DICTIONARY
synthesis_resource.uri = "urn:nuance-mix:tag:tuning:lang/coffee_app/coffee_dict/en-us/mix.tts"

A user dictionary alters the default pronunciation of words spoken by NVC. For example, you can define the pronunciation of words from foreign languages, expand special acronyms, and tune the pronunciation of words with unusual spelling.

User dictionaries are created using Nuance Vocalizer Studio. For details, see "Specifying pronunciations with user dictionaries" in the Nuance Vocalizer for Enterprise documentation.

The steps for using a user dictionary are:

  1. Compile the source dictionary using Nuance Vocalizer Studio.

  2. Upload the dictionary to storage UploadRequest. See Sample storage client - Upload user dictionary.

    UploadResponse returns the complete URN for this dictionary in the response.

  3. Reference the dictionary using its URN using SynthesisRequest - Input - SynthesisResource - USER_DICTIONARY. See Sample synthesis client - Run client with resources.

To remove a resource from storage, use DeleteRequest. See Sample storage client - Delete resource.

Inline dictionary

Source user dictionary

Language = ENU
Representation = EDCT_REPR_SZZ_STRING
zero // #'zi.R+o&U#
addr // #'@.dR+Es#
adm // #@d.'2mI.n$.'stR+e&I.S$n#
Info      Information
IT        "Information Technology"
DLL       "Dynamic Link Library"
A-level   "advanced level"
Afr       africa
Acc       account
TEL       telephone
Anon      anonymous
AP        "associated press" 

Compiled dictionary referenced in with SynthesisResource - body

request.input.text.text = "I need to find a DLL."

synthesis_resource = SynthesisResource()
synthesis_resource.type = EnumResourceType.USER_DICTIONARY
synthesis_resource.body = open('/path/to/user_dictionary.dcb', 'rb').read()

Alternatively, you may reference a dictionary inline, using SynthesisResource - body.

The sample dictionary shown at the right includes the pronunciation of "zero," the expansion and pronunciation of "addr" and "adm," plus the expansion of several abbreviated words and acronyms.

To use this as an inline dictionary:

  1. Compile the source dictionary using Nuance Vocalizer Studio or its conversion tool, dictcpl. In this example, the resulting compiled file is user_dictionary.dcb.

  2. Read the dictionary as a local file in SynthesisResource - body. The example at the right shows user_dictionary.dcb in, which serves as input to the Sample synthesis client.

  3. Run, the main file in the sample synthesis client. The audio output is: "I need to find a dynamic link library."

ActivePrompt database

Create database in Vocalizer Studio

$ ls

Upload database to storage

$ --upload --type activeprompt --file ...

uri: "urn:nuance-mix:tag:tuning:voice/coffee_app/coffee_prompts/evan/mix.tts?type=activeprompt"

Reference database in synthesis session

synthesis_resource = SynthesisResource()
synthesis_resource.type = EnumResourceType.ACTIVEPROMPT_DB
synthesis_resource.uri = "urn:nuance-mix:tag:tuning:lang/coffee_app/coffee_prompts/evan/mix.tts"

Use a prompt from the database in Nuance control code

Token - ControlCode (key="prompt", value="coffee::confirm_order")
Token - text "Thanks"

An ActivePrompt database is a collection of digital audio recordings and pronunciation instructions that can be used within synthesized speech using the Nuance control code, prompt.

ActivePrompt databases are created using Nuance Vocalizer Studio. For details, see "Tuning TTS output with ActivePrompts" in the Nuance Vocalizer for Enterprise documentation.

To create and use an ActivePrompt database:

  1. Create the database using Nuance Vocalizer studio.

  2. Rename the database to index.dat, and add the database and all recordings to a zip file without a root folder.

  3. Upload the database to storage using UploadRequest. See Sample storage client - Upload ActivePrompts.

    UploadResponse returns the complete URN for this database in the response.

  4. Load the database into a synthesis session with its URN using SynthesisRequest - Input - SynthesisResource - ACTIVEPROMPT_DB or ACTIVEPROMPT_DB_AUTO. See Sample synthesis client - Run client with resources.

  5. Reference prompts in the database in SynthesisRequest - Input - TokenizedSequence - prompt code. See Control codes - prompt.

To remove a resource from storage, use DeleteRequest. See Sample storage client - Delete resource.


Create or obtain text ruleset

$ ls

Upload ruleset to storage

$ --upload --type text_ruleset --file coffee-ruleset.rst.txt ...

uri: "urn:nuance-mix:tag:tuning:lang/coffee_app/coffee_rules/en-us/mix.tts?type=textruleset"

Reference ruleset in synthesis session

synthesis_resource = SynthesisResource()
synthesis_resource.type = EnumResourceType.TEXT_USER_RULESET
synthesis_resource.uri = "uri: "urn:nuance-mix:tag:tuning:lang/coffee_app/coffee_rules/en-us/mix.tts

A user ruleset is a set of match-and-replace rules that replace sections of input text during voice synthesis. For example, a ruleset may expand an abbreviation (from "PIN" to "personal information number"), or convert currency symbols into full words.

Whereas user dictionaries only support search and replace for complete words or phrases, user rulesets support any search pattern that can be expressed using regular expressions. You can use rulesets to search for multiple words, part of a word, or a repeated pattern. For example, you can use an expression to find all uses of a currency symbol, and replace it with words ("dollars" or "euros") regardless of the amounts.

Rulesets are created following the instructions in "Rulesets" in the Nuance Vocalizer for Enterprise documentation. Only text rulesets are allowed, binary (or encrypted) rulesets are not supported.

To include rulesets in your applications:

  1. Define the ruleset as a text file.

  2. Upload the ruleset to storage using UploadRequest. See Sample storage client - Upload rulesets.

    UploadResponse returns the complete URN for the ruleset in the response.

  3. Load the ruleset into a synthesis session with its URN using SynthesisRequest - Input - SynthesisResource - TEXT_USER_RULESET. See Sample synthesis client - Run client with resources.

To remove a resource from storage, use DeleteRequest. See Sample storage client - Delete resource.

Audio file

Audio file in cloud storage via URN

<speak>Please leave your name after the tone. 
<audio src="urn:nuance-mix:tag:tuning:audio/coffee_app/beep/mix.tts">Beep</audio>

Audio file via secure URL

<speak>Please leave your name after the tone. 
<audio src="">Beep</audio>

An audio file may be included in SSML input or tokenized sequences to provide speech or sounds during synthesis.

You may include audio files using the SSML <audio> element or the audio control code.

You may optionally include alternative text in the SSML audio element as <audio src="file.wav">Alt text</audio>.If the file is not found or is not a WAV file, NVC synthesizes the alternative text and includes it in the results.

Tokenized sequences do not support alternative text for the audio file. With the Synthesize method, if the audio file is not found or is not WAV, NVC reports an error but synthesizes any text tokens in the sequence, ignoring the audio file. For UnarySynthesize, NVC does not synthesize the text tokens and returns no synthesis.

If there is no alternative text or text token, NVC reports errors for unavailable or non-WAV files.


NVC provides several protocol buffer (.proto) files, to define its gRPC protocol. These files contain the building blocks of your voice synthesis applications, and are grouped by function:

After transforming the proto files (if required by your programming language) into functions and classes using gRPC tools, you call these services from your application to request speech synthesis and upload resources.

Synthesizer API

Proto and stub files for Synthesizer service

└── nuance
    ├── rpc (RPC message files)
    └── tts
        ├── storage (Storage files)
        └── v1 
            └── synthesizer.proto

The synthesizer API defines RPC methods for requesting speech synthesis.

A transcoded HTTP version of this Synthesizer API is also available: see Synthesizer HTTP API. The HTTP version uses the UnarySynthesize method, meaning the results are returned in one package instead of being streamed.

Proto file structure

Structure of synthesizer.proto

    Get Voices

GetVoicesRequest / GetVoicesResponse
    voice Voice
        age_group EnumAgeGroup
        gender EnumGender
        voice fields

    voice Voice
        voice fields
    audio_params AudioParameters
        audio parm fields
        audio_format AudioFormat
            audio format fields
            ogg_opus OggOpus | opus Opus
                Opus fields
                vbr EnumVariableBitrate
    input Input
        text Text
        ssml SSML
          ssml_validation_mode EnumSSMLValidationMode
        tokenized_sequence TokenizedSequence
        resources SynthesisResource
            resource fields
            type EnumResourceType
        lid_params LanguageIdentificationParameters
        download_params DownloadParameters
    event_params EventParameters
        event parm fields

    status Status
    events Events

    status Status
    events Events

The proto file defines a Synthesizer service with three RPC methods: GetVoices, Synthesize, and UnarySynthesize. Details about each component are referenced by name within the proto file.

These are the fields that make up the GetVoices request and response:

Proto file - Get voices

And these are the principal fields in the Synthesize and UnarySynthesize request and response:

Proto file - Synthesis


The Synthesizer service offers these functionalities:

Method Request Type Response Type
GetVoices GetVoicesRequest GetVoicesResponse
Synthesize SynthesisRequest SynthesisResponse stream
UnarySynthesize SynthesisRequest UnarySynthesisResponse


Get all American English voices

GetVoicesRequest (
    voice = Voice (
        language = "en-us"

Get one named voice

GetVoicesRequest (
    voice = Voice (
        name = "Evan"

Input message for message for Synthesizer - GetVoices, to query voices available to the client.

Field Type Description
voice Voice Optionally filter the voices to retrieve, e.g. set language to en-US to return only American English voices.


Input or output message for voices.

These fields are supported in all cases:

Field Type Description
name string The voice's name, e.g. Evan. Mandatory for SynthesisRequest.
model string The voice's quality model, e.g. enhanced or standard. Mandatory for SynthesisRequest.

These Voice fields are used only in GetVoicesRequest and GetVoicesResponse. They are ignored in SynthesisRequest.

Field Type Description
language string IETF language code, e.g. en-US. Search for voices with a specific language. Some voices support multiple languages.
age_group EnumAgeGroup Search for adult or child voices.
gender EnumGender Search for voices with a certain gender.
sample_rate_hz uint32 Search for a certain native sample rate.
language_tlw string Three-letter language code (e.g. enu for American English) for configuring language identification in Input.
restricted bool Used only in GetVoicesResponse, to identify restricted voices (restricted true). These are custom voices available only to specific customers. Default is false, meaning the voice is public.
version string Used only in GetVoicesResponse, to return the voice's version.
foreign_languages string Repeated. Used only in GetVoicesResponse, to return the foreign languages of a multilingual voice.


Input field for GetVoicesRequest or output field for GetVoicesResponse, specifying whether the voice uses its adult or child version, if available. Included in Voice.

Name Number Description
ADULT 0 Adult voice. Default for GetVoicesRequest.
CHILD 1 Child voice.


Input field for GetVoicesRequest or output field for GetVoicesResponse, specifying gender for voices that support multiple genders. Included in Voice.

Name Number Description
ANY 0 Any gender voice. Default for GetVoicesRequest.
MALE 1 Male voice.
FEMALE 2 Female voice.
NEUTRAL 3 Neutral gender voice.


Response to GetVoicesRequest for all American English (en-us) voices

2021-07-14 10:14:42,290 (140157303519040) DEBUG [voice { language: "en-us" } ]
2021-07-14 10:14:42,291 (140157303519040) INFO  Sending GetVoices request
2021-07-14 10:14:42,480 (140157303519040) INFO  voices {
  name: "Allison"
  model: "standard"
  language: "en-us"
  gender: FEMALE
  sample_rate_hz: 22050
  language_tlw: "enu"
  version: ""
voices {
  name: "Allison"
  model: "standard"
  language: "en-us"
  gender: FEMALE
  sample_rate_hz: 8000
  language_tlw: "enu"
  version: ""
voices {
  name: "Ava-Ml"
  model: "enhanced"
  language: "en-us"
  gender: FEMALE
  sample_rate_hz: 22050
  language_tlw: "enu"
  version: "3.0.1"
  foreign_languages: "es-mx"
voices {
  name: "Chloe"
  model: "standard"
  language: "en-us"
  gender: FEMALE
  sample_rate_hz: 22050
  language_tlw: "enu"
  version: ""
voices {
  name: "Chloe"
  model: "standard"
  language: "en-us"
  gender: FEMALE
  sample_rate_hz: 8000
  language_tlw: "enu"
  version: ""
voices {
  name: "Erica"
  model: "standard"
  language: "en-us"
  gender: FEMALE
  sample_rate_hz: 22050
  language_tlw: "enu"
  restricted: true
  version: "1.0.2"
voices {
  name: "Erica"
  model: "standard"
  language: "en-us"
  gender: FEMALE
  sample_rate_hz: 8000
  language_tlw: "enu"
  restricted: true
  version: "1.0.2"
voices {
  name: "Evan"
  model: "enhanced"
  language: "en-us"
  gender: MALE
  sample_rate_hz: 22050
  language_tlw: "enu"
  version: "1.1.1"
. . .
voices {
  name: "Zoe-Ml"
  model: "enhanced"
  language: "en-us"
  gender: FEMALE
  sample_rate_hz: 22050
  language_tlw: "enu"
  version: "1.0.2"
  foreign_languages: "es-mx"
  foreign_languages: "fr-ca"

Output message for Synthesizer - GetVoices. Includes a list of voices that matched the input criteria, if any.

Field Type Description
voices Voice Repeated. Voices and characteristics returned.


Synthesis request with most fields

    voice = Voice(
        name = "Evan",
        model = "enhanced"
    audio_params = AudioParameters(
        audio_format = AudioFormat(
            pcm = PCM(sample_rate_hz = 22050) 
        volume_percentage = 80,       # Default value
        speaking_rate_factor = 1.0    # Default value
    input = Input(
        text = Text(
           text = "Your coffee will be ready in 5 minutes")
    event_params = EventParameters(
        send_log_events = True,
        suppress_input = True  
    client_data = {'company':'Aardvark Coffee','user':'Leslie'},
    user_id = ""

Minimal synthesis request, using all defaults

    voice = Voice(
        name = "Evan",
        model = "enhanced"
    input = Input(
        text = Text(
           text = "Your coffee will be ready in 5 minutes")

Input message for Synthesizer - Synthesize. Specifies input text, audio parameters, and events to subscribe to, in exchange for synthesized audio. See Defaults for default values for optional fields.

Field Type Description
voice Voice Mandatory. The voice to use for audio synthesis.
audio_params AudioParameters Output audio parameters, such as encoding and volume. Default is PCM audio at 22050 Hz.
input Input Mandatory. Input text to synthesize, tuning data, etc.
event_params EventParameters Markers and other info to include in server events returned during synthesis.
client_data map<string,string> Map of client-supplied key:value pairs to inject into the call log.
user_id string Identifies a specific user within the application.


Input message for audio-related parameters during synthesis, including encoding, volume, and audio length. Included in SynthesisRequest.

Field Type Description
audio_format AudioFormat Audio encoding. Default PCM 22050 Hz.
volume_percentage uint32 Volume amplitude, from 0 to 100. Default 80.
speaking_rate_factor float Speaking rate, from 0 to 2.0. Default 1.0.
audio_chunk_ duration_ms uint32 Maximum duration, in ms, of an audio chunk delivered to the client, from 1 to 60000. Default is 20000 (20 seconds). When this parameter is large enough (for example, 20 or 30 seconds), each audio chunk contains an audible segment surrounded by silence.
target_audio_length_ms uint32 Maximum duration, in ms, of synthesized audio. When greater than 0, the server stops ongoing synthesis at the first sentence end, or silence, closest to the value.
disable_early_emission bool By default, audio segments are emitted as soon as possible, even if they are not audible. This behavior may be disabled.


PCM audio format shown, with alternatives in commented lines

    voice = Voice(
        name = "Evan",
        model = "enhanced"
    audio_params = AudioParameters(
        audio_format = AudioFormat(
            pcm = PCM(sample_rate_hz = 22050)
#           alaw = ALaw()
#           ulaw = ULaw()
#           ogg_opus = OggOpus(sample_rate_hz = 16000)
#           opus = Opus(sample_rate_hz = 8000, bit_rate_bps = 30000)

Input message for audio encoding of synthesized text. Included in AudioParameters.

Field Type Description
pcm PCM Signed 16-bit little endian PCM.
alaw ALaw G.711 A-law, 8kHz.
ulaw ULaw G.711 Mu-law, 8kHz.
ogg_opus OggOpus Ogg Opus, 8kHz,16kHz, or 24 kHz.
opus Opus Opus, 8kHz, 16kHz, or 24kHz. The audio will be sent one Opus packet at a time.


Input message defining PCM sample rate. Included in AudioFormat.

Field Type Description
sample_rate_hz uint32 Output sample rate in Hz. Supported values: 8000, 11025, 16000, 22050, 24000.


Input message defining A-law audio format. Included in AudioFormat. G.711 audio formats are set to 8kHz.


Input message defining Mu-law audio format. Included in AudioFormat. G.711 audio formats are set to 8kHz.


Input message defining Ogg Opus output rate. Included in AudioFormat.

Field Type Description
sample_rate_hz uint32 Output sample rate in Hz. Supported values: 8000, 16000, 24000.
bit_rate_bps uint32 Valid range is 500 to 256000 bps. Default 28000.
max_frame_ duration_ms float Opus frame size in ms: 2.5, 5, 10, 20, 40, 60. Default 20.
complexity uint32 Computational complexity. A complexity of 0 means the codec default.
vbr EnumVariableBitrate Variable bitrate. On by default.


Input message defining Opus output rate. Included in AudioFormat.

Field Type Description
sample_rate_hz uint32 Output sample rate in Hz. Supported values: 8000, 16000, 24000.
bit_rate_bps uint32 Valid range is 500 to 256000 bps. Default 28000.
max_frame_ duration_ms float Opus frame size in ms: 2.5, 5, 10, 20, 40, 60. Default 20.
complexity uint32 Computational complexity. A complexity of 0 means the codec default.
vbr EnumVariableBitrate Variable bitrate. On by default.


Settings for variable bitrate. Included in OggOpus and Opus. Turned on by default.

Name Number Description
VARIABLE_BITRATE_ON 0 Use variable bitrate. Default.
VARIABLE_BITRATE_OFF 1 Do not use variable bitrate.
VARIABLE_BITRATE_ CONSTRAINED 2 Use constrained variable bitrate.


Input message containing text to synthesize and synthesis parameters, including tuning data, etc. Included in SynthesisRequest. The type of input may be plain text, SSML, or a sequence of plain text and Nuance control codes. See Input to synthesize for more examples.

Field Type Description
text Text Plain text input.
ssml SSML SSML input, including text and SSML elements.
tokenized_sequence TokenizedSequence Sequence of text and Nuance control codes.
resources SynthesisResource Repeated. Synthesis resources (user dictionaries, rulesets, etc.) to tune synthesized audio. Default blank.
lid_params LanguageIdentification Parameters LID parameters.
download_params DownloadParameters Remote file download parameters.


Plain text input

   voice = Voice(
       name = "Evan",
       model = "enhanced"
    input = Input(
        text = Text(
           text = "Your coffee will be ready in 5 minutes")

Input message for synthesizing plain text. The encoding must be UTF-8.

Field Type Description
text string Plain input text in UTF-8 encoding.
uri string Remote URI to the plain input text. Not supported in Nuance-hosted NVC.


SSML input

   voice = Voice(
       name = "Evan",
       model = "enhanced"
    input = Input(
        ssml = SSML(
            text = '<?xml version="1.0"?><speak  xmlns="" 
xml:lang="en-US" version="1.0">This is the normal volume of my voice. 
<prosody volume="10">I can speak rather quietly, </prosody>
<prosody volume="90">But also very loudly.</prosody></speak>',
            ssml_validation_mode = WARN

The xml tag and the speak attributes may be omitted

   voice = Voice(
       name = "Evan",
       model = "enhanced"
    input = Input(
        ssml = SSML(
            text = '<speak>This is the normal volume of my voice. 
<prosody volume="10">I can speak rather quietly,</prosody>
<prosody volume="90">But also very loudly.</prosody></speak>',
            ssml_validation_mode = WARN

Input message for synthesizing SSML input. See SSML tags for a list of supported elements and examples.

Field Type Description
text string SSML input text and elements.
uri string Remote URI to the SSML input text. Not supported in Nuance-hosted NVC.
ssml_validation_mode EnumSSML ValidationMode SSML validation mode. Default STRICT.


SSML validation mode when using SSML input. Included in SSML. Strict by default but can be relaxed.

Name Number Description
STRICT 0 Strict SSL validation. Default.
WARN 1 Give warning only.
NONE 2 Do not validate.


Tokenized sequence

   voice = Voice(
       name = "Evan",
       model = "enhanced"
    input = Input(
        tokenized_sequence = TokenizedSequence(
            tokens = [
                Token(control_code = ControlCode(
                    key = "vol",
                    value = "10")),
                 Token(text = "I can speak rather quietly,"),
                 Token(control_code = ControlCode(
                     key = "vol",
                     value = "90")),
                 Token(text = "but also very loudly.")

Input message for synthesizing a sequence of plain text and Nuance control codes.

Field Type Description
tokens Token Repeated. Sequence of text and control codes.


The unit when using TokenizedSequence for input. Each token can be either plain text or a Nuance control code. See Control codes for a list of supported codes and examples.

Field Type Description
text string Plain input text.
control_code ControlCode Nuance control code.


Nuance control code that specifies how text should be spoken, similarly to SSML.

Field Type Description
key string Name of the control code, e.g. pause
value string Value of the control code.


Inline compiled user dictionary (with body)

SynthesisRequest (
    voice = Voice (name = "Evan", model = "enhanced"),
    input = Input (
        text = Text (text = "Your coffee will be ready in 5 minutes"),
        resources =  [
            SynthesisResource (
                type = USER_DICTIONARY,
                body = open("/path/to/user_dictionary.dcb", 'rb').read()

External user dictionary

SynthesisRequest (
    voice = Voice (name = "Evan", model = "enhanced"),
    input = Input (
        text = Text (text = "Your coffee will be ready in 5 minutes"),
        resources =  [
            SynthesisResource (
                type = USER_DICTIONARY,
                uri = "urn:nuance-mix:tag:tuning:lang/coffee_app/coffee_dict/en-us/mix.tts"

ActivePrompt database

SynthesisRequest (
    voice = Voice (name = "Evan", model = "enhanced"),
    input = Input (
        text = Text (text = "Your coffee will be ready in 5 minutes"),
        resources =  [
            SynthesisResource (
                type = ACTIVEPROMPT_DB, 
                uri = "urn:nuance-mix:tag:tuning:voice/coffee_app/coffee_prompts/Evan/mix.tts"

User ruleset

SynthesisRequest (
    voice = Voice (name = "Evan", model = "enhanced"),
    input = Input (
        text = Text (text = "Your coffee will be ready in 5 minutes"),
        resources =  [
            SynthesisResource (
                type = TEXT_USER_RULESET,
                uri = "urn:nuance-mix:tag:tuning:lang/coffee_app/coffee_rules/en-us/mix.tts"

Input message specifying the type of file to tune the synthesized output and its location or contents. Included in Input. See Synthesis resources.

Field Type Description
type EnumResourceType Resource type, e.g. user dictionary, etc. Default USER_DICTIONARY.
uri string The URN of a resource previously uploaded to cloud storage with the storage API. See URNs for the format.
body bytes For EnumResourceType USER_DICTIONARY, the contents of the file. See Reference topics - Inline dictionary for an example.


The type of synthesis resource to tune the output. Included in SynthesisResource. User dictionaries provide custom pronunciations, rulesets apply search-and-replace rules to input text, and ActivePrompt databases help tune synthesized audio under certain conditions, using Nuance Vocalizer Studio.

Name Number Description
USER_DICTIONARY 0 User dictionary (application/edct-bin-dictionary). Default.
TEXT_USER_RULESET 1 Text user ruleset (application/x-vocalizer-rettt+text).
BINARY_USER_RULESET 2 Not supported. Binary user ruleset (application/x-vocalizer-rettt+bin).
ACTIVEPROMPT_DB 3 ActivePrompt database (application/x-vocalizer-activeprompt-db).

ActivePrompt database with automatic insertion (application/x-vocalizer-activeprompt-db;mode=automatic).

This keyword specifies any ActivePrompt database but changes the behavior.

SYSTEM_DICTIONARY 5 Nuance system dictionary (application/sdct-bin-dictionary). Not supported.


Examples of URNs

User dictionary: 

Text ruleset: 

ActivePrompt database:

Audio file:

The uri field in SynthesisResource defines the location of a synthesis resource as a URN in the Mix cloud storage area. In Reference topics - SSML tags and Control codes, the audio tag or code defines a wav file as a URN. The format depends on the object type:

When you upload these resources using the Storage API, you provide only the context tag and name in UploadRequest - UploadInitMessage. The UploadResponse message confirms the complete URN for the object.

The URN returned by UploadResponse includes an additional type field that identifies the type of resource, for example:

uri: "urn:nuance-mix:tag:tuning:lang/coffee_app/coffee_dict/en-us/mix.tts?type=userdict"

This type field is purely informational. It is not required when using the URN in a SynthesisRequest, although it may be included without error.

urn:nuance-mix:tag:tuning The prefix for all synthesis resources.
lang and language The scope keyword, lang, for dictionaries and rulesets, plus the language in the format xx-xx.
voice and voice The scope keyword, voice, for ActivePrompt databases, plus the voice name.
audio The scope keyword, audio, for audio files.
context_tag A name for the collection of objects being stored. This can be a Context Tag from a Mix project or another collective name. If the context tag does not exist, it will be created.
name An identifier for the content being uploaded, using 1 to 64 alphanumeric characters or underscore (a-z, A-Z, 0-9, _).
mix.tts The suffix for all synthesis resources.
?type=resource_type An informational field returned by UploadRequest that identifies the type of resource. This field is not required when using the URN in a Synthesis request, although it may be included without error.


LID parameters in Input message

    voice = Voice(
        name = "Evan",
        model = "enhanced"
    input = Input(
       tokenized_sequence = TokenizedSequence(
            tokens = [
                Token(text = "The name of the song is. "),
                Token(control_code = ControlCode(
                    key = "lang",
                    value = "unknown")),
                Token(text = "Au clair de la lune."),
                Token(control_code = ControlCode(
                    key = "lang",
                    value = "normal")),
                Token(text = "It's a folk song meaning, in the light of the moon.")
        lid_params = LanguageIdentificationParameters(
            languages = (["frc", "enu"])

Input message controlling the language identifier. Included in Input. The language identifier runs on input blocks labeled with the control code lang unknown or the SSML attribute xml:lang="unknown". The language identifier automatically restricts the matched languages to the installed voices. This limits the permissible languages, and also sets the order of precedence (first to last) when they have equal confidence scores.

Field Type Description
disable bool Whether to disable language identification. Turned on by default.
languages string Repeated. List of three-letter language codes (e.g. enu, frc, spm) to restrict language identification results, in order of precedence. Use GetVoicesRequest to obtain the three-letter codes, returned in GetVoicesResponse - language_tlw. Default blank.
always_use_ highest_confidence bool If enabled, language identification always chooses the language with the highest confidence score, even if the score is low. Default false, meaning use language with any confidence.


Input message containing parameters for remote file download, whether for input text (Input.uri) or a SynthesisResource (SynthesisResource.uri). Included in Input.

Field Type Description
headers map<string,string> Map of HTTP header name,value pairs to include in outgoing requests. Supported headers: max_age, max_stale.
request_timeout_ms uint32 Request timeout in ms. Default (0) means server default, usually 30000 (30 seconds).
refuse_cookies bool Whether to disable cookies. By default, HTTP requests accept cookies.


Event parameters in SynthesisRequest

    voice = Voice(
        name = "Evan",
        model = "enhanced"
    input = Input(
        text = Text(
           text = "Your coffee will be ready in 5 minutes.")
    event_params = EventParameters(
        send_sentence_marker_events = True,
        send_paragraph_marker_events = True,
        send_log_events = True,
        suppress_input = True

Input message that defines event subscription parameters. Included in SynthesisRequest. Events that are requested are sent throughout the SynthesisResponse stream, when generated. Marker events can send events as certain parts of the synthesized audio are reached, for example, at the end of a word, sentence, or user-defined bookmark.

Log events are produced throughout a synthesis request for events such as a voice loaded by the server or an audio chunk being ready to send.

Field Type Description
send_sentence_marker_events bool Sentence marker. Default: do not send.
send_word_marker_events bool Word marker. Default: do not send.
send_phoneme_marker_events bool Phoneme marker. Default: do not send.
send_bookmark_marker_events bool Bookmark marker. Default: do not send.
send_paragraph_marker_events bool Paragraph marker. Default: do not send.
send_visemes bool Lipsync information. Default: do not send.
send_log_events bool Whether to log events during synthesis. By default, logging is turned off.
suppress_input bool Whether to omit input text and URIs from log events. By default, these items are included.


Response to synthesis request

    if args.output_audio_file:
        audio_file = open(args.output_audio_file, "wb")
    for response in stream_in:
        if response.HasField("audio"):
            print("Received audio: %d bytes" % len(
        elif response.HasField("events"):
            print("Received events")
            if response.status.code == 200:
                print("Received status response: SUCCESS")
                print("Received status response: FAILED")
                print("Code: {}, Message: {}".format(response.status.code, response.status.message))
                print('Error: {}'.format(response.status.details))
except Exception as e:
if audio_file:
    print("Saved audio to {}".format(args.output_audio_file))

The Synthesizer - Synthesize method returns a stream of SynthesisResponse messages. (See UnarySynthesisResponse for a non-streamed response.) Each response contains one of:

Field Type Description
status Status A status response, indicating completion or failure of the request.
events Events A list of events. See EventParameters for details.
audio bytes The latest audio buffer.


Output message containing a status response, indicating completion or failure of a Synthesize call. Included in SynthesisResponse and UnarySynthesisResponse.

Field Type Description
code uint32 HTTP-style return code: 200, 4xx, or 5xx as appropriate. See Status codes.
message string Brief description of the status.
details string Longer description if available.


Output message defining a container for a list of events. This container is needed because oneof does not allow repeated parameters in Protobuf. Included in SynthesisResponse and UnarySynthesisResponse.

Field Type Description
events Event Repeated. One or more events.


Output message defining an event message. Included in Events. See EventParameters for details.

Field Type Description
name string Either "Markers" or the name of the event in the case of a Log Event.
values map<string,string> Map of key:value data relevant to the current event.


The Synthesizer - UnarySynthesize method returns a single UnarySynthesisResponse message. It is similar to SynthesisResponse but includes all the information at once instead of a streaming response. The response contains:

Field Type Description
status Status A status response, indicating completion or failure of the request.
events Events A list of events. See EventParameters for details.
audio bytes Audio buffer of the synthesized text, capped if necessary to a configured audio response size.

Storage API

Proto and stub files for storage service

└── nuance
    ├── rpc
    │   ├──
    │   ├── error_details.proto
    │   ├──
    │   ├── status_code.proto
    │   ├──
    │   └── status.proto
    └── tts
        ├── storage
        │   └── v1beta1
        │       ├──
        │       ├──
        │       └── storage.proto
        └── v1 (Synthesizer files)

The storage API defines RPC methods to upload synthesis resources to a central cloud location managed by MinIO. It assigns the resources URN identifiers starting with urn:nuance-mix, which you may reference in the synthesis API.


Storage is the upload service API, consisting of two methods: Upload and Delete.

Method Request type Response type Description
Upload UploadRequest stream UploadResponse Uploads a synthesis resource to cloud storage and returns a URN to refer to it.
Delete DeleteRequest DeleteResponse Deletes the synthesis resource in storage.

These are the general steps for uploading or deleting synthesis resources to cloud storage:

  1. Send an UploadRequest with the content to upload and other parameters. The request is streamed to the service and UploadResponse returns a URN to identify the resource.

  2. To remove content from storage, send DeleteRequest with the URN of the resource to remove. If the resource exists in storage, it is removed, and DeleteResponse returns the status of the delete process.


Upload request

        data =
        if not data:
  "Done reading data")
        upload_request = UploadRequest()
        upload_request.data_chunk = data
        yield upload_request

Requests to upload (stream) content to central cloud storage, sent one at a time in order. First send upload_init_message then the data to upload. This request returns UploadResponse.

Field Type Description
One of:
   upload_init_message UploadInitMessage Mandatory. First message in the RPC input stream, to define the content that will follow.
   data_chunk bytes Mandatory. Data to upload, in chunks lower than the allowed maximum gRPC message size. If uploading an ActivePrompt, a zipped stream is required.


Upload init messaage

upload_request = UploadRequest()
upload_init_message = UploadInitMessage()
upload_init_message.context_tag = args.context_tag =

The required first message sent by the client. It defines the type of the content as well as the output URN. There are three types of URNs:

Field Type Description
context_tag string Mandatory. Context tag of the current application. A context tag can contain many resources. Will be included in the URN.
name string Mandatory. Name of the uploaded content. Should be unique within a context tag. Will be included in the URN.
metadata map<string,string> Map of client-supplied metadata key, value pairs.
One of: Mandatory. Resource type to upload.
   active_prompt_db ActivePromptDB ActivePrompt database (application/x-vocalizer-activeprompt-db). Voice-scoped.
   dictionary UserDictionary User dictionary (application/edct-bin-dictionary). Language-scoped.
   text_ruleset TextUserRuleset Text user ruleset (application/x-vocalizer-rettt+text). Language-scoped.
   binary_ruleset BinaryUserRuleset Not supported. Binary user ruleset (application/x-vocalizer-rettt+bin).
   wav Wav Wav audio file, for insertion into synthesis via SSML or Nuance control codes.


Parameters for ActivePrompt databases are collected from the user

    options.add_argument("--file", metavar="file", nargs="?",
                         help="File to upload. If an ActivePrompt Database, must be packaged as a zip.", required=True)
    options.add_argument("--context_tag", metavar="tag", nargs="?",
                         help="Context tag", default='', required=True)
    options.add_argument("--name", metavar="name", nargs="?",
                         help="Resource name", default='', required=True)
    options.add_argument("--type", metavar="type", nargs="?",
                         help="Resource type. Must be one of: [activeprompt,
                         user_dictionary, text_ruleset]", required=True)
    options.add_argument("--voice", metavar="type", nargs="?",
                         help="ActivePrompt voice", default='')
    options.add_argument("--voice_model", metavar="type", nargs="?",
                         help="ActivePrompt voice model", default='')
    options.add_argument("--voice_version", metavar="type", nargs="?",
                         help="ActivePrompt voice version", default='')
    options.add_argument("--vocalizer_studio_version", metavar="type", nargs="?",
                         help="ActivePrompt Vocalier Studio version", default='')
    . . . 
    upload_request = UploadRequest()
    upload_init_message = UploadInitMessage()
    upload_init_message.context_tag = args.context_tag =

    if type == 'activeprompt':'Type is ActivePromptDB')
        active_prompt_db = ActivePromptDB()
        active_prompt_db.voice = voice
        active_prompt_db.voice_model = voice_model
        active_prompt_db.voice_version = voice_version
        active_prompt_db.vocalizer_studio_version = vocalizer_studio_version

Parameters for uploading an ActivePrompt database. See Reference topics - ActivePrompt database.

An ActivePrompt database is a voice-scoped tuning resource, to control the output audio and dynamically insert recordings during synthesis. These databases must be created through Nuance Vocalizer Studio. When uploading an ActivePrompt database:

Field Type Description
voice string Mandatory. Voice name.
voice_version string Mandatory. Voice version.
voice_model string Mandatory. Voice model.
vocalizer_studio_version string Mandatory. Vocalizer Studio version used to build the ActivePrompt.


Parameters for user dictionaries

    options.add_argument("--file", metavar="file", nargs="?",
                         help="File to upload...", required=True)
    options.add_argument("--context_tag", metavar="tag", nargs="?",
                         help="Context tag", default='', required=True)
    options.add_argument("--name", metavar="name", nargs="?",
                         help="Resource name", default='', required=True)
    options.add_argument("--type", metavar="type", nargs="?",
                         help="Resource type. Must be one of: [activeprompt,
                         user_dictionary, text_ruleset]", required=True)
    options.add_argument("--type", metavar="type", nargs="?",
                         help="Resource type. Must be one of: [activeprompt,
                         user_dictionary, text_ruleset]", required=True)
    options.add_argument("--language", metavar="type", nargs="?",
                         help="IETF language code. Required if type is [user_dictionary, 
                         text_ruleset])", default='')
    . . . 
    upload_request = UploadRequest()
    upload_init_message = UploadInitMessage()
    upload_init_message.context_tag = args.context_tag =
    . . .
    elif type == "user_dictionary":'Type is User Dictionary')
        user_dictionary = UserDictionary()
        user_dictionary.language = language

Parameters for uploading a user dictionary. See Reference topics - User dictionary.

A user dictionary is a language-scoped tuning resource, to control pronunciation and acronym expansion.

Field Type Description
language string Mandatory. IETF language of the dictionary.


Parameters for text rulesets

options.add_argument("--file", metavar="file", nargs="?",
                     help="File to upload...", required=True)
options.add_argument("--context_tag", metavar="tag", nargs="?",
                     help="Context tag", default='', required=True)
options.add_argument("--name", metavar="name", nargs="?",
                     help="Resource name", default='', required=True)
options.add_argument("--type", metavar="type", nargs="?",
                     help="Resource type. Must be one of: [activeprompt,
                     user_dictionary, text_ruleset]", required=True)
options.add_argument("--language", metavar="type", nargs="?",
                     help="IETF language code. Required if type is [user_dictionary, 
                     text_ruleset])", default='')
. . . 
upload_request = UploadRequest()
upload_init_message = UploadInitMessage()
upload_init_message.context_tag = args.context_tag =
. . .
elif type == "text_ruleset":'Type is Text User Ruleset')
    text_ruleset = TextUserRuleset()
    text_ruleset.language = language

Parameters for uploading a text user ruleset. See Reference topics - Ruleset.

A user ruleset is a language-scoped tuning resource, to apply find+replace and regular expression rules on the input text.

Field Type Description
language string Mandatory. IETF language of the ruleset.


Binary (encrypted) rulesets are not supported.


Parameter for uploading an audio wave file.

After uploading, an audio wave recording can be inserted into the synthesis using the SSML <audio> tag or the Nuance control code, audio. See SSML tags - audio and Control codes - audio.


Upload request and response

with create_channel() as channel:
    storage_stub = StorageStub(channel)
    request_iterator = read_file(file=args.file, context_tag=args.context_tag,, type=args.type, voice=args.voice, voice_model=args.voice_model, voice_version=args.voice_version, vocalizer_studio_version=args.vocalizer_studio_version, language=args.language, max_chunk_size_bytes=args.max_chunk_size_bytes)
    upload_response = storage_stub.Upload(request_iterator)

Response to uploading an ActivePrompt database for a coffee application

$ ./
2021-05-18 11:27:33,610 INFO  Type is ActivePromptDB
2021-05-18 11:27:33,928 INFO  Done reading data
2021-05-18 11:27:34,427 INFO  status {
  status_code: OK
uri: "urn:nuance-mix:tag:tuning:voice/coffee_app/coffee_prompts/evan/mix.tts?type=activeprompt"

Response to UploadRequest, indicating whether the upload was successful.

Field Type Description
status nuance.rpc.Status Any error response means the data was not stored. If no response at all is received (e.g. due to a communication issue), data may have been stored. Another UploadRequest can be sent to restart; any existing files will be overwritten.
uri string

Output URN, to refer to the content at runtime. This is for informational purposes: the URN format is predictable based on the input parameters in the UploadInitMessage.

The URN includes a type field to identify the type of request. This field is not required when using the URN in other requests.


Request to remove an item from storage. This request returns DeleteResponse.

Field Type Description
uri string Mandatory. URN of the uploaded content, using one of these formats:


Response to DeleteRequest, indicating whether the deletion was successful.

Field Type Description
status nuance.rpc.Status Success means the data is not in the system anymore; either because it was deleted by the request or was never there (idempotency).

RPC status API

These messages are part of the nuance.rpc package referenced by other Nuance methods. They provide additional information about the requests.

RPC status messages


This reports an ongoing job, combining job status with request status

2021-04-05 16:41:28,369 INFO : Received response: job_status_update {
  job_id: "c21b0be0-964e-11eb-9e4a-5fb8e278d1ad"
request_status {
  status_code: OK
  http_trans_code: 200

2021-04-05 16:41:28,896 INFO : new server stream count 2
2021-04-05 16:41:28,896 INFO : Received response: job_status_update {
  job_id: "c21b0be0-964e-11eb-9e4a-5fb8e278d1ad"
request_status {
  status_code: OK
  http_trans_code: 200

This reports an error in a JSON file

2021-04-05 16:34:55,874 INFO : Received response: request_status {
  status_code: BAD_REQUEST
  status_sub_code: 7
  http_trans_code: 400
  status_message {
    locale: "en-US"
    message: "Invalid wordset content Unexpected token c in JSON at position 5" 
    message_resource_id: "7"

This reports an existing object

2021-04-05 17:37:41,977 INFO : Received response: request_status {
  status_code: ALREADY_EXISTS
  status_sub_code: 10
  http_trans_code: 200
  status_message {
    locale: "en-US"
    message: "Compiled wordset already available for artifact reference urn:nuance-mix:tag:wordset:lang/names-places/places-compiled-ws/eng-USA/mix.asr"
    message_resource_id: "10"

Status messages for requests used by Nuance APIs. The status_code field is mandatory, all others are optional.

Field Type Description
status_code StatusCode Mandatory. Status code, an enum value.
status_sub_code int32 Application-specific status sub-code.
http_trans_code int32 HTTP status code for the transcoder, if applicable.
request_info RequestInfo Information about the original request.
status_message LocalizedMessage Message providing the details of this status in a language other than English.
help_info HelpInfo Help message providing possible user actions.
field_violations FieldViolation Repeated. Set of request field violations.
retry_info RetryInfo Retry information.
status_details StatusDetail Repeated. Detailed status messages.


Status codes related to requests used by Nuance APIs.

Name Number Description
UNSPECIFIED 0 Unspecified status.
OK 1 Success.
BAD_REQUEST 2 Invalid message type: the server cannot understand the request.
INVALID_REQUEST 3 The request has an invalid value, is missing a mandatory field, etc.
CANCELLED_CLIENT 4 Operation terminated by client. The remote system may have changed.
CANCELLED_SERVER 5 Operation terminated by server. The remote system may have changed.
DEADLINE_EXCEEDED 6 The deadline set for the operation has expired.
NOT_AUTHORIZED 7 The client does not have authorization to perform the operation.
PERMISSION_DENIED 8 The client does not have authorization to perform the operation on the requested entities.
NOT_FOUND 9 The requested entity was not found.
ALREADY_EXISTS 10 Cannot create entity as it already exists.
NOT_IMPLEMENTED 11 Unsupported operation or parameter, e.g. an unsupported media type.
UNKNOWN 15 Result does not map to any defined status. Other response values may provide request-specific additional information.
The following status codes are less frequently used.
TOO_LARGE 51 A field is too large to be processed due to technical limitations e.g. a large audio or other binary block. For arbitrary limitations (e.g. name must be n characters or less), use INVALID_REQUEST.
BUSY 52 The server understood the request but could not process it due to lack of resources. Retry the request as is later.
OBSOLETE 53 A message type in the request is no longer supported.
RATE_EXCEEDED 54 Similar to BUSY. The client has exceeded the limit of operations per time unit. Retry request as is later.
QUOTA_EXCEEDED 55 The client has exceeded quotas related to licensing or payment. See your client representative for additional quotas.
INTERNAL_ERROR 56 An internal system error occurred while processing the request.


Information about the request that resulted in an error. This message is particularly useful in streaming scenarios where the correlation between the request and response is not so obvious.

Field Type Description
request_id string Identifier of the original request, for example, its OpenTracing id.
request_data string Relevant free format data from the original request, for troubleshooting.
additional_request_data map<string,string> Map of key,value pairs of free format data from the request.


A help message in a language other than American English. The default locale is provided by the server, for example the browser's preferred language or a user-specific locale.

All Nuance gRPC APIs that want the server to provide localized errors must accept the HTTP "Accept-Language" header or application-specific language settings, if supported.

Field Type Description
locale string The locale as xx-XX, e.g. en-US, fr-CH, es-MX, per the specification bcp47.txt
Default is provided by the server.
message string The message text in the local specified.
message_resource_id string A message identifier, allowing related messages to be provided if needed.


A reference to a help document that may be shown to end users to allow them to take action based on the error or status response. For example, if the request contained a numerical value that is out of range, this message may point to the documentation that states the valid range.

Field Type Description
links Hyperlink Repeated. Set of hypertext links related to the context of the enclosing message.

Details about the hypertext link containing information related to the message.

Field Type Description
description LocalizedMessage A description of the link in a specific language (locale).
By default, the server handling the URL manages language selection and detection.
url string The URL to offer to the client, containing help information. If a description is present, this URL should use (or offer) the same locale.


Information about a request field or fields containing errors.

Field Type Description
field string The name of the request field in violation as package.type[.type].field.
rel_field string Repeated. Repeated. The names of related fields in violation as package.type[.type].field.
user_message LocalizedMessage An error message in a language other than English.
message string An error message in American English.
invalid_value string The invalid value of the field in violation. (Convert non-string data types to string.)
violation ViolationType The reason (enum) a field is invalid. Can be used for automated error handling by the client.


The error type of the request field, as a keyword.

Name Number Description
MANDATORY_FIELD_MISSING 0 A required field was not provided.
FIELD_CONFLICT 1 A field is invalid due to the value of another field.
OUT_OF_RANGE 2 A field value is outside the specified range.
INVALID_FORMAT 3 A field value is not in the correct format.
TOO_SHORT 4 A text field value is too short.
TOO_LONG 5 A text field value is too long.
OTHER 64 Violation type is not otherwise listed.
UNSPECIFIED 99 Violation type was not set.


How quickly clients may retry the request for requests that allow retries. Failure to respect this delay may indicate a misbehaving client.

Field Type Description
retry_delay_ms int32 Clients must wait at least this long between retrying the same request.


A status message may have additional details, usually a list of underlying causes of an error. In contrast to field violations, which point to the fields in the original request, status details are not usually directly connected with the request parameters.

Field Type Description
message string The message text in American English.
user_message LocalizedMessage The message text in a language other than English.
extras map<string,string> Map of key,value pairs of additional application-specific information.

Scalar value types

The data types in the proto files are mapped to equivalent types in the generated client stub files.

Proto Notes C++ Java Python
double double double float
float float float float
int32 Uses variable-length encoding. Inefficient for encoding negative numbers. If your field is likely to have negative values, use sint32 instead. int32 int int
int64 Uses variable-length encoding. Inefficient for encoding negative numbers. If your field is likely to have negative values, use sint64 instead. int64 long int/long
uint32 Uses variable-length encoding. uint32 int int/long
uint64 Uses variable-length encoding. uint64 long int/long
sint32 Uses variable-length encoding. Signed int value. These encode negative numbers more efficiently than regular int32s. int32 int int
sint64 Uses variable-length encoding. Signed int value. These encode negative numbers more efficiently than regular int64s. int64 long int/long
fixed32 Always four bytes. More efficient than uint32 if values are often greater than 2^28. uint32 int int
fixed64 Always eight bytes. More efficient than uint64 if values are often greater than 2^56. uint64 long int/long
sfixed32 Always four bytes. int32 int int
sfixed64 Always eight bytes. int64 long int/long
bool bool boolean boolean
string A string must always contain UTF-8 encoded or 7-bit ASCII text. string String str/unicode
bytes May contain any arbitrary sequence of bytes. string ByteString str

Synthesizer HTTP API

NVC includes an HTTP API for requesting voices and synthesis operations. It is based on the Synthesizer gRPC API and offers two commands: voices and synthesis.

This API is a transcoded version of the main gRPC API, so it respects the JSON mapping detailed here.

Base URL and authorization

Shell script,, generates and exports token

CLIENT_ID=<Mix client ID>
SECRET=<Mix client secret>

export MY_TOKEN="`curl -s -u "$CLIENT_ID:$SECRET" \ \
-d "grant_type=client_credentials" -d "scope=tts" \
| jq -j .access_token`"

The URL for NVC HTTP commands in the Mix environment is:

This service requires an authorization token. To generate the token, you can use the shell script,, shown at the right, replacing the CLIENT_ID and SECRET values with your credentials from Mix. See Prerequisites from Mix. (The script changes the colons in your client ID to their percent-encoded form, so you may enter your client ID as is.) The OAuth scope for the NVC service, tts, is provided in the shell script.

"Source" this script to generate an authorization token and make it available in the current shell. Then test the URL with a simple voices request using cURL:

$ source
$ curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $MY_TOKEN" \ \
-d '{ "voice": { "name": "Evan" } }'
 "voices": [
   "name": "Evan",
   "model": "enhanced",
   "language": "en-us",
   "ageGroup": "ADULT",
   "gender": "MALE",
   "sampleRateHz": 22050,
   "languageTlw": "enu",
   "restricted": false,
   "version": "1.1.1",
   "foreignLanguages": []

You must provide the token when calling the service. For example:

Your authorization token expires after a short period of time. Source again when you get a 401 error, meaning status Unauthorized: The request could not be authorized.


Get all available voices (cURL example)

$ curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $MY_TOKEN"
 "voices": [
   "name": "Allison",
   "model": "standard",
   "language": "en-us",
   "ageGroup": "ADULT",
   "gender": "FEMALE",
   "sampleRateHz": 22050,
   "languageTlw": "enu",
   "restricted": false,
   "version": "",
   "foreignLanguages": []
   "name": "Allison",
   "model": "standard",
   "language": "en-us",
   "ageGroup": "ADULT",
   "gender": "FEMALE",
   "sampleRateHz": 8000,
   "languageTlw": "enu",
   "restricted": false,
   "version": "",
   "foreignLanguages": []
   "name": "Ava-Ml",
   "model": "enhanced",
   "language": "en-us",
   "ageGroup": "ADULT",
   "gender": "FEMALE",
   "sampleRateHz": 22050,
   "languageTlw": "enu",
   "restricted": false,
   "version": "3.0.1",
   "foreignLanguages": [
   "name": "Chloe",
   "model": "standard",
   "language": "en-us",
   "ageGroup": "ADULT",
   "gender": "FEMALE",
   "sampleRateHz": 22050,
   "languageTlw": "enu",
   "restricted": false,
   "version": "",
   "foreignLanguages": []
. . . 


Queries the voice packs to learn which voices are available. Optionally include parameters to filter the results.

The parameters for the voices command are:

Name In Type Description
Authorization header object Mandatory. Authorization token as Bearer: token
voice body voice Optional. Filter the voices to retrieve, e.g. set language to en-US to return only American English voices.

A successful response details the available voices, filtered when requested. See Status codes for other responses.

voice (in voices)

Filter results to retrieve voice name Evan

$ curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $MY_TOKEN" \ -d '{ "voice": { "name": "evan" } }'
 "voices": [
   "name": "Evan",
   "model": "enhanced",
   "language": "en-us",
   "ageGroup": "ADULT",
   "gender": "MALE",
   "sampleRateHz": 22050,
   "languageTlw": "enu",
   "restricted": false,
   "version": "1.1.1",
   "foreignLanguages": []

Filter results to retrieve all French Canadian voices

$ curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $MY_TOKEN" \ -d '{ "voice": { "language": "fr-ca" } }'
 "voices": [
   "name": "Amelie-Ml",
   "model": "enhanced",
   "language": "fr-ca",
   "ageGroup": "ADULT",
   "gender": "FEMALE",
   "sampleRateHz": 22050,
   "languageTlw": "frc",
   "restricted": false,
   "version": "2.1.1",
   "foreignLanguages": [
   "name": "Chantal",
   "model": "standard",
   "language": "fr-ca",
   "ageGroup": "ADULT",
   "gender": "FEMALE",
   "sampleRateHz": 22050,
   "languageTlw": "frc",
   "restricted": false,
   "version": "2.1.0",
   "foreignLanguages": []
   "name": "Nicolas",
   "model": "standard",
   "language": "fr-ca",
   "ageGroup": "ADULT",
   "gender": "MALE",
   "sampleRateHz": 22050,
   "languageTlw": "frc",
   "restricted": false,
   "version": "2.0.0",
   "foreignLanguages": []

Filters the requested voices in the voices command. It contains one of the following:

Name Type Description
name string The voice's name, e.g. Evan.
model string The voice's quality model, e.g. enhanced or standard. (For backward compatibility, xpremium-high or xpremium are also accepted.)
language string IETF language code, e.g. en-US. Search for voices with a specific language. Some voices support multiple languages.
age_group string Search for adult or child voices, using a keyword: ADULT (default) or CHILD.
gender string Search for voices with a certain gender, using a keyword: ANY (default), MALE, FEMALE, NEUTRAL.
sample_rate_hz integer Search for a certain native sample rate.
language_tlw string Three-letter language code (e.g. enu for American English) for configuring language identification.


Synthesize plain text (cURL example)

$ curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $MY_TOKEN" \ \
-d '{ "voice": { "name": "Evan", "model": "enhanced" }, \
"input": { "text": { "text": "This is a test. A very simple test."} } }'

For results, see Response to synthesize below.


Sends a synthesis request and returns a (unary) synthesis response. The request specifies a mandatory voice and input text, as well as optional audio parameters and so on.

The parameters for the synthesize command are:

Name In Type Description
Authorization header object Mandatory. Authorization token as Bearer: token
voice body voice Mandatory. The voice to perform the synthesis.
audio_params body audio_params Output audio parameters, such as encoding and volume. Default is PCM audio at 22050 Hz.
input body input Mandatory. Input text to synthesize, tuning data, etc.
event_params body event_params Markers and other info to include in server events returned during synthesis.
client_data body map Map of client-supplied key:value pairs to inject into the call log.
user_id body string Identifies a specific user within the application.

For examples of the results, see Response to synthesize below.

voice (in synthesize)

Mandatory voice parameters identify the voice to perform the synthesis

      "text":"This is a test. A very simple test."

In the synthesize command, this mandatory parameter specifies the voice to use for the synthesis operation. The other entries in the voice parameter are not used for synthesis.

Name Type Description
name string Mandatory. The voice's name, e.g. Evan.
model string Mandatory. The voice's quality model, e.g. enhanced or standard. (For backward compatibility, xpremium-high or xpremium are also accepted.)


Optional audio parameters set audio to Ogg Opus and include three other options

      "text":"This is a test. A very simple test."
    "volume_percentage": 100,
    "speaking_rate_factor": 1.2,
    "target_audio_length_ms": 10

Audio-related parameters for synthesis, including encoding, volume, and audio length. Included in synthesize. The default is PCM audio at 22050 Hz.

Name Type Description
audio_format audio_format Audio encoding. Default PCM 22050 Hz.
volume_percentage integer Volume amplitude, from 0 to 100. Default 80.
speaking_rate_factor number Speaking rate, from 0 to 2.0. Default 1.0.
audio_chunk_ duration_ms integer Maximum duration, in ms, of an audio chunk delivered to the client, from 1 to 60000. Default is 20000 (20 seconds). When this parameter is large enough (for example, 20 or 30 seconds), each audio chunk contains an audible segment surrounded by silence.
target_audio_length_ms integer Maximum duration, in ms, of synthesized audio. When greater than 0, the server stops ongoing synthesis at the first sentence end, or silence, closest to the value.
disable_early_emission boolean By default, audio segments are emitted as soon as possible, even if they are not audible. This behavior may be disabled.


Audio encoding of synthesize text. Included in audio_params.

Name Type Description
pcm pcm Signed 16-bit little endian PCM.
alaw alaw G.711 A-law, 8kHz.
ulaw ulaw G.711 Mu-law, 8kHz.
ogg_opus ogg_opus Ogg Opus, 8kHz,16kHz, or 24 kHz.
opus opus Opus, 8kHz, 16kHz, or 24kHz. The audio will be sent one Opus packet at a time.


PCM sample rate changed to 16000 (from default 22050)

      "text":"This is a test. A very simple test."
        "sample_rate_hz": 16000

The PCM sample rate. Included in audio_format.

Name Type Description
sample_rate_hz integer Output sample rate in Hz. Supported values: 8000, 11025, 16000, 22050, 24000.


Audio format changed to A-law

      "text":"This is a test. A very simple test."

The A-law audio format. Included in audio_format. G.711 audio formats are set to 8 kHz.


Audio format changed to Mu-law

      "text":"This is a test. A very simple test."

The Mu-law audio format. Included in audio_format. G.711 audio formats are set to 8 kHz.


Audio format changed to Ogg Opus

      "text":"This is a test. A very simple test."

The Ogg Opus output rate. Included in audio_format.

Name Type Description
sample_rate_hz integer Output sample rate in Hz. Supported values: 8000, 16000, 24000.
bit_rate_bps integer Valid range is 500 to 256000 bps. Default 28000.
max_frame_ duration_ms number Opus frame size in ms: 2.5, 5, 10, 20, 40, 60. Default 20.
complexity integer Computational complexity. A complexity of 0 means the codec default.
vbr vbr Variable bitrate. On by default.


Opus output rate. Included in audio_format.

Name Type Description
sample_rate_hz integer Output sample rate in Hz. Supported values: 8000, 16000, 24000.
bit_rate_bps integer Valid range is 500 to 256000 bps. Default 28000.
max_frame_ duration_ms number Opus frame size in ms: 2.5, 5, 10, 20, 40, 60. Default 20.
complexity integer Computational complexity. A complexity of 0 means the codec default.
vbr vbr Variable bitrate. On by default.


Settings for variable bitrate. Included in ogg_opus and opus. Turned on by default.

Name Number Description
VARIABLE_BITRATE_ON 0 Use variable bitrate. Default.
VARIABLE_BITRATE_OFF 1 Do not use variable bitrate.
VARIABLE_BITRATE_ CONSTRAINED 2 Use constrained variable bitrate.


Miminal mandatory input

      "text":"This is a test. A very simple test."

Text to synthesize and synthesis parameters, including tuning data, etc. Included in synthesize. The type of input may be plain text, SSML, or a sequence of plain text and Nuance control codes.

Name Type Description
text text Plain text input.
ssml ssml SSML input, including text and SSML elements.
tokenized_sequence tokenized_sequence Sequence of text and Nuance control codes.
resources resources Repeated. Synthesis resources (user dictionaries, rulesets, etc.) to tune synthesized audio. Default empty.
lid_params lid_params LID parameters.
download_params download_params Remote file download parameters.


Input for synthesizing plain text. The encoding must be UTF-8. Included in input.

Name Type Description
text string Plain input text in UTF-8 encoding.
uri string Remote URI to the plain input text. Not supported in Nuance-hosted NVC.


Minimal SSML input

    "voice": {
        "name": "Evan",
        "model": "enhanced"
    "input": {
        "ssml": {
            "text": "<speak>This is an SSML test. A super simple test.</speak>"

Input for synthesizing SSML. Included in input. See SSML tags for a list of supported elements.

Name Type Description
text string SSML input text and elements.
uri string Remote URI to the SSML input text. Not supported in Nuance-hosted NVC.
ssml_validation_mode ssml_validation_mode SSML validation mode. Default STRICT.


SSML validation mode when using SSML input. Included in ssml. Strict by default but can be relaxed.

Name Number Description
STRICT 0 Strict SSL validation. Default.
WARN 1 Give warning only.
NONE 2 Do not validate.


Input for synthesizing a sequence of plain text and Nuance control codes. Included in input.

Name Type Description
tokens tokens Repeated. Sequence of text and control codes.


The unit when using tokenized_sequence for input. Included in tokenized_sequence. Each token can be either plain text or a Nuance control code. See Control codes for supported codes.

Name Type Description
text string Plain input text.
control_code control_code Nuance control code.


Nuance control code that specifies how text should be spoken, similarly to SSML. Included in tokens.

Name Type Description
key string Name of the control code, e.g. 'pause'
value string Value of the control code.


A resource for tuning the synthesized output. Included in input.

Name Type Description
type type Resource type, e.g. user dictionary, etc. Default USER_DICTIONARY.
uri string URI to the remote resource. Either a URL or local file reference, or the URN of a resource previously uploaded to cloud storage with the Storage API. See URNs for the format.
body bytes For resource type USER_DICTIONARY, the contents of the file.


The type of synthesis resource to tune the output. Included in resources. User dictionaries provide custom pronunciations, rulesets apply search-and-replace rules to input text, and ActivePrompt databases help tune synthesized audio under certain conditions, using Nuance Vocalizer Studio.

Name Number Description
USER_DICTIONARY 0 User dictionary (application/edct-bin-dictionary). Default.
TEXT_USER_RULESET 1 Text user ruleset (application/x-vocalizer-rettt+text).
BINARY_USER_RULESET 2 Not supported. Binary user ruleset (application/x-vocalizer-rettt+bin).
ACTIVEPROMPT_DB 3 ActivePrompt database (application/x-vocalizer-activeprompt-db).
ACTIVEPROMPT_DB_AUTO 4 ActivePrompt database with automatic insertion (application/x-vocalizer-activeprompt-db;mode=automatic).
SYSTEM_DICTIONARY 5 Nuance system dictionary (application/sdct-bin-dictionary).


Parameters for controlling the language identifier. Included in input. The language identifier runs on input blocks labeled with the control code lang unknown or the SSML attribute xml:lang="unknown". The language identifier automatically restricts the matched languages to the installed voices. This limits the permissible languages, and also sets the order of precedence (first to last) when they have equal confidence scores.

Name Type Description
disable boolean Whether to disable language identification. Turned on by default.
languages string Repeated. List of three-letter language codes (e.g. enu, frc, spm) to restrict language identification results, in order of precedence. Use voices to obtain the three-letter codes, returned in language_tlw. Default empty.
always_use_ highest_confidence boolean If enabled, language identification always chooses the language with the highest confidence score, even if the score is low. Default false, meaning use language with any confidence.


Parameters for remote file download, whether for input text (input.uri) or a synthesis resource (resource.uri). Included in input.

Name Type Description
headers map<string,string> Map of HTTP header name,value pairs to include in outgoing requests. Supported headers: max_age, max_stale.
request_timeout_ms integer Request timeout in ms. Default (0) means server default, usually 30000 (30 seconds).
refuse_cookies boolean Whether to disable cookies. By default, HTTP requests accept cookies.


Event parameters

    "voice": {
        "name": "Evan",
        "model": "enhanced"
    "input": {
        "text": {
            "text": "This is a test. A very simple test."
    "event_params": {
        "send_log_events" true,
        "send_sentence_marker_events": true,
        "send_word_marker_events": true

Event subscription parameters. Included in synthesize. Requested events are reported in the response.

Name Type Description
send_sentence_marker_events boolean Sentence marker. Default: do not send.
send_word_marker_events boolean Word marker. Default: do not send.
send_phoneme_marker_events boolean Phoneme marker. Default: do not send.
send_bookmark_marker_events boolean Bookmark marker. Default: do not send.
send_paragraph_marker_events boolean Paragraph marker. Default: do not send.
send_visemes boolean Lipsync information. Default: do not send.
send_log_events boolean Whether to log events during synthesis. By default, logging is turned off.
suppress_input boolean Whether to omit input text and URIs from log events. By default, these items are included.

Response to synthesize

Basic response returns base64 audio

$ curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $MY_TOKEN" \ \
-d '{ "voice": { "name": "Evan", "model": "enhanced" }, 
"input": { "text": { "text": "This is a test. A very simple test."} } }'
  "status": {
    "code": 200,
    "message": "OK",
    "details": ""
  "audio": "AAAAAAAAA..."

Python processing in converts base64 audio to wav format

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import requests as req
import base64
import os
import argparse

global args

# Generates the .wav file header for a given set of parameters
def generate_wav_header(sampleRate, bitsPerSample, channels, datasize, formattype):
    # (4byte) Marks file as RIFF
    o = bytes("RIFF", 'ascii')
    # (4byte) File size in bytes excluding this and RIFF marker
    o += (datasize + 36).to_bytes(4, 'little')
    # (4byte) File type
    o += bytes("WAVE", 'ascii')
    # (4byte) Format Chunk Marker
    o += bytes("fmt ", 'ascii')
    # (4byte) Length of above format data
    o += (16).to_bytes(4, 'little')
    # (2byte) Format type (1 - PCM)
    o += (formattype).to_bytes(2, 'little')
    # (2byte) Will always be 1 for TTS
    o += (channels).to_bytes(2, 'little')
    # (4byte)
    o += (sampleRate).to_bytes(4, 'little')
    o += (sampleRate * channels * bitsPerSample // 8).to_bytes(4, 'little')  # (4byte)
    o += (channels * bitsPerSample // 8).to_bytes(2,'little')               # (2byte)
    # (2byte)
    o += (bitsPerSample).to_bytes(2, 'little')
    # (4byte) Data Chunk Marker
    o += bytes("data", 'ascii')
    # (4byte) Data size in bytes
    o += (datasize).to_bytes(4, 'little')

    return o

token = os.getenv('MY_TOKEN')

parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='TTS HTTP Client')

options = parser.add_argument_group("options")
options.add_argument("--wav", action="store_true",
                     help="Save audio file in WAVE format")
options.add_argument("--voice", nargs="?",
                     help="Voice name (default=Evan)", default="Evan")
options.add_argument("--model", nargs="?",
                     help="Voice model type (default=enhanced)", default="enhanced")
options.add_argument("--type", nargs="?",
                     help="Input type: text or ssml (default=text)", default="text")
options.add_argument("--input", nargs="?",
                     help="Input text (default=This is a test)", default="This is a test.")

args = parser.parse_args()

http_headers = {}
http_headers['Authorization'] = "Bearer {}".format(token)

formatted_data = '{{ "voice": {{ "name": "{voice_name}", "model": "{model_name}" }}, "input": {{ "{input_type}": {{ "text": "{input_text}"}} }} }}'.format(voice_name=args.voice, model_name=args.model, input_type=args.type, input_text=args.input)

response ='', data=formatted_data, headers=http_headers)

if response.status_code != 200:
    raise Exception("Failed to synthesize. Status: {}".format(response.status_code))

json_response = response.json()

if json_response["status"]["code"] != 200:
    print("Failed to synthesize. Message: {}. Status: {}".format(json_response["status"]["message"], json_response["status"]["code"]))
    decoded_audio_response = base64.b64decode(json_response["audio"])

    waveheader = generate_wav_header(22050, 16, 1, len(decoded_audio_response), 1)

    if response.status_code == 200:
        if args.wav:
            with open("output.wav","wb") as output_file:
      , 0)
      , 2)
                print("Audio successfully written to",
            with open("output.raw", "wb") as output_file:
                print("Audio successfully written to",

The synthesize command returns a unary (non-streamed) message containing:

A successful response returns the synthesized audio in base64 format. Additional processing is required to convert this audio to a playable audio format. See the Python example at the right.

Source the script (see Base URL and authorization to generate and export an authorization token, then call the Python client. This client accepts the following options:

$ ./ --help
usage: [-h] [--wav] [--voice [VOICE]] [--model [MODEL]]
                          [--type [TYPE]] [--input [INPUT]]
optional arguments:
  -h, --help       show this help message and exit
  --wav            Save audio file in WAVE format
  --voice [VOICE]  Voice name (default=Evan)
  --model [MODEL]  Voice model type (default=enhanced)
  --type [TYPE]    Input type: text or ssml (default=text)
  --input [INPUT]  Input text (default=This is a test)

This example uses the default voice and input but sets the output file to wav format:

$ source
$ ./ --wav 
Audio successfully written to output.wav

Optionally use a different voice and specify your own input:

$ ./ --wav --voice "Zoe-Ml" --input "Shall I compare thee to a summers day" 
Audio successfully written to output.wav

Or change to SSML input:

$ ./ --wav --voice "Zoe-Ml" --type "ssml" --input "<speak>Thou art more lovely and more temperate.</speak>"

Your authorization token expires after a short period of time. Re-run when you get a 401 status error: Failed to synthesize. Status: 401.See Status codes for other codes.

Known issues

These issues have been reported in NVC.

Different alphabet gives no audio, no error

Sending input characters outside of a voice's writing system (for example, Chinese characters to an English or German voice) usually fails to create output audio, but no error is reported: the synthesis request returns a successful response.

A few voices can accept input in a writing system other than its own and create output audio, although the synthesis may not be correct. In all other cases, no audio is produced and no error is reported. Note that when the non-Latin text contains punctuation marks, these are spelled out.

Chinese writing systems

Cyrillic alphabet

Greek alphabet

Japanese writing systems

Multiple writing systems

See also the list of supported voices in the Mix documentation: Text-to-Speech (TTS) voices - Additional languages.

Change log


These new features were added:


An issue with voices was reported in Known issues.


New features in this release include:


An argument of the synthesis client was renamed from saveAudioinWave to saveAudioAsWav.


The gRPC protocol was updated with the following:

2021 -07-07

In SSML input, the <xml> element and the attributes of the <speak> element are optional in NVC. See SSML tags.


The documentation was updated with these changes:


The SSML tag and Nuance control code, pitch, was added to the documentation. See Reference topics - SSML tags and Control codes.


These changes were made:


Updated CLIENT_ID example to show new Mix syntax.


A unary synthesis scenario was added to the Sample Python app section.


These changes were made:


These changes were made:


The TTS v1beta1 protocol is deprecated: it is currently being monitored and may be removed in the near future. If you are using v1beta1, we recommend that you upgrade to v1.


These changes were made to the API and documentation:


These changes were made to the documentation:


These changes were made to the API and documentation:

v1beta1 v1
message Input {
  string type = 1;
  oneof input_data {
    string uri = 2;
    string body = 3;
  bytes body_as_bytes = 4;
  string escape_sequence = 5;
message Input {
  oneof input_data {
    Text text = 1;
    SSML ssml = 2;
    TokenizedSequence tokenized_sequence = 3;

message Text {}
message SSML {}
message TokenizedSequence {}
message Token {}
message ControlCode {}


These changes were made to the API and documentation:


These changes were made to the API and documentation:


The voice model names have changed, from xpremium to standard and xpremium-high to enhanced, etc. The old names are supported but deprecated and may be removed in a later version.


Updated a new proto file to download in gRPC setup. This proto file disables Input - body_as_bytes.


Below are changes made to the TTSaaS gRPC API documentation since the initial Beta release: