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Release Notes

Welcome to the Nuance® Mix Platform. Nuance Mix enables you to build enterprise-grade multichannel solutions, with tooling and APIs that support your entire application life cycle and harness best-in-class conversational AI.

Last update: 2021-06-23

Mix 3.6.0 — 14 December 2020

Feature highlights

The main features of this release are summarized below.

PII masking capabilities

Users of Mix.nlu and Mix.dialog can now mark entities and variables as sensitive to mask customer information in accordance with personally identifiable information (PII) standards. At runtime, sensitive data will be masked across all call logs for the application. By default, the sensitive attribute is “off” (not sensitive) for all entities and variables. For details, see the documentation (change log), as well as the announcement on the Mix Community Forum.

Note: For changes to take effect, you need to build a new model and deploy to the applicable environments. Only then will the runtime services start masking the entities and/or variables.

User Service Credentials

Users can now create Service Credentials for their user profile. Similar to the Default credentials, these credentials are tied to the user’s access levels across the various Mix resources such as projects, builds, and namespaces.

Service Credentials differ from Default credentials in that they make use of the Client Credentials OAuth 2.0 flow rather than the Authorization Code OAuth 2.0 flow. For more information, see Authorization in Mix. This feature simplifies service-to-service communication, as it removes the necessity of a manual login by instead relying on the client ID and client secret to provide a token.

Note: Currently, this feature is restricted to Global Admin and Global PS roles (in the Profile page, click Create Service Credentials). In future, this feature will be made available on an as-needed basis.

Mix.nlu Optimize tab

The Mix.nlu Optimize tab provides advanced automation tools to help power users more efficiently develop larger or more complex projects and to perform more sophisticated work on NLU models.

The Optimize tab (Sample Sentences panel) provides a unified view of all samples for the current language. You can filter samples by Intents, Entities, and Verification state, or by performing a Search using text or a regular expression. See the Mix.nlu documentation for details. Note that for users new to Mix.nlu, the Develop tab is still the best place to start developing models.

Message-level barge-in

Mix.dialog users can now control barge-in behavior on a per-message level. For example, disable barge-in to ensure that a legal disclaimer is played in its entirety without the possibility of interruption.

Barge-in is enabled by default, across all channels. The related setting has been removed from the global and channel levels in Project Settings, for simplicity. Users can now:

Note: Message nodes do not yet let you disable barge-in per channel. When you disable barge-in in a message node, this applies to all channels.

See the 2020-12-08 Mix.dialog change log and the 2020-12-14 Dialog as a Service change log.

Mix.dialog graph performance improvement

The rendering of nodes and their transitions on the design canvas in Mix.dialog has been improved. By standardizing the height of nodes displaying messages, the graph is more easily rendered and thus more responsive, especially for larger projects.

Other new features and changes

This release introduces the following additional features and changes.

Languages and voices

New languages: Danish, Finnish, Mandarin (China), Mandarin (Taiwan), Swedish. For the complete list, see Languages.

New voices: For the Bengali, Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, Dutch (Belgium), English (Great Britain, India, Ireland, Seychelles, South-Africa, United States), French (Belgium), Galician, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Kannada, Polish, Portuguese (Brazil and Portugal), Romanian, Slovak, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian, and Valencian languages. For the complete list, see Text-to-Speech (TTS) voices.

Note: The Carmit voice incorrectly uses the language code “he-IS” for Hebrew, Israel. In a future release, this will be corrected so that Carmit uses “he-IL”. In the meantime, please use “he-IS”.




Nuance runtime services

Proto files were updated for DLGaaS, NLUaaS, and ASRaaS. See the documentation change log for links, including to updated sections of the documentation.

Fixed issues

For Mix.dashboard:

Known issues

No known issues identified since 3.5.0.

Mix 3.5.0 — 27 October 2020

Feature highlights

The main features of this release are summarized below.

Mix.nlu Discover tab

The Mix.nlu Discover tab allows you to see what users are saying to your deployed application, giving you the opportunity to refine your NLU models based on actual data. Since the initial roll-out of the new Discover tab, continued enhancements have been made including the ability to:

For more information, see Discover what your users say in the Mix.nlu documentation.

Mix.dialog intent mapping inheritance

The new intent mapping inheritance feature allows designers to globally configure intent mappings in the NLU resource panel. All intent mapper nodes in a project will dynamically inherit global mappings, but you have the option to set local mapping overrides at specific intent mapper nodes as needed. This new feature will be useful for projects that make use of multiple intent mapper nodes—for example, to route intents differently per line of business. For details, see the 9 October 2020 announcement on the Mix Community Forum, and Manage intents in the Mix.dialog documentation.

Other new features and changes

This release introduces the following additional features and changes.

Languages and voices

New languages: Korean, Malay, Vietnamese, and Indonesian. For the complete list, see Languages.

Additional new voices: New enhanced voices Isha-Mi (Indian English) and Kanya (Thai), and new standard voices including Mizuki (Japanese) and many more. For the complete list, see Text-to-Speech (TTS) voices.

Note that the following language codes have changed:

Speaking style: Many Nuance voices now offer a style option, which sets an emotional tone for tagged sections of speech. Styles such as neutral, lively, forceful, and apologetic are available through the SSML style element. For example:

<style name="apologetic">I'm sorry your parcel is late</style>

<style name="lively">Have a great day</style>

For more information, see SSML tags in the TTS as a Service documentation.



General new features

Dialog as a Service

New location for Mix documentation

Notice that the Mix documentation now has its own subdomain. Please bookmark this new location. Search and other functionality will continue to work seamlessly, and your previous bookmarks will be automatically redirected.

Deprecations and removals: TTS voices

The following deprecated language variants have been removed and are replaced by improved versions, as noted in Text-to-Speech voices.

Removed language variant Voice replacement
Zoe-Sc / Zoe-Mlsc Zoe-Ml
Nathan-Ms Nathan
Ava-Mls Ava-Ml
Marisol Marisol-Ml

Fixed issues

Known issues

Known issues identified since 3.4.0 include:

Mix 3.4.0 — 21 August 2020

Feature highlights

The main features of this release are summarized below.


A new tab, called Manage, is now available in Mix.dashboard. This tab lets you perform all the tasks related to application management such as creating builds, creating and deploying application configurations, and managing organizations. The Manage tab replaces the Applications and Namespaces tabs. For more details about this feature, see the 2020-08-21 Change log.

You can create, and delete, multiple client IDs for the same app ID. See Create a client ID for details.


Mix.nlu now includes a verification workflow for project samples, giving you more control over which samples are used for your models. Samples automatically transition from the Intent verified to the Fully verified state when an annotation is added. This signals to Mix.nlu that you intend to add the sample to your model. You can always choose to assign a different state to the sample; for example, to exclude it (change the state to Excluded) or to use it to detect intent only (change to Intent verified). For more information, see Verify samples.

Note: Further enhancements are coming soon, including clearer verification state names, enhanced state indicators and easier state transitions, verification state memory for excluded samples, and verification state filtering.


Enhanced settings allow dialog designers to better control and augment the user experience. Use the new global confirmation settings to determine whether the app should prompt the user for confirmation when a recognized entity returns with a confidence score that is between the low and high confidence thresholds specified in the collection settings. You can reference the entity in focus during confirmation by inserting the dynamic Current Entity value placeholder in global confirmation messages. Predefined and custom entities now also have their own set of settings under each channel profile, so that the collection and confirmation behavior can further be tuned and tailored to the information being collected. Furthermore, it is now possible to override settings at the node level, in the Advanced tab of question and answer nodes, to further tune these settings locally and provide dialog designers as much control over the user experience as possible.

Note: With the current version of Mix.dialog, settings apply to all languages in multilingual projects.

Other new features and changes

This release introduces the following additional features and changes.

Languages and voices

New languages: English (India), Hindi (India), Italian (Italy), Portuguese (Portugal), Russia (Russia), and Spain (Spain). For the complete list, see Languages.

New voices: Hindi, Tamil, Telugu, Chilean Spanish, Columbian Spanish, Russian, Malaysian, and Vietnamese. For the complete list, see Text-to-Speech voices.


Support for locale-specific literal-value pairs in projects with more than one language/locale. For multilingual projects (projects with more than one language/locale), literal and value pairs are now locale specific. This means that if you add a value to a list-based entity, the data will be specific to the locale where this operation was performed. Similarly, if you delete a value this change will impact only the locale where the deletion was performed.


Deprecations and removals

TTS as a Service: The v1beta1 protocol is obsolete and no longer supported.

TTS voices: The following language variants will be removed in an upcoming release, as noted in Text-to-Speech voices.

Fixed issues

Known issues

Known issues identified since 3.3.0 include:

Mix 3.3.0 — 30 June 2020

Feature highlight — Multi-lang projects

Nuance Mix now supports building a customer experience in multiple languages all within one Mix Project. At project creation, you can select which languages are supported and then activate/deactivate languages as needed as well as customize the experience inclusive of prompting and logic on a per-language basis. Finally, Mix.nlu supports adapting a centralized ontology with training data, annotations, and entity customizations on a per-language basis for optimized performance. For more specific details, see the 2020-06-11 Change log.

Other new features and changes

This release introduces the following additional new features and changes:

Deprecated/obsolete protocols and endpoints

For all runtime services (XaaS) with the exception of Dialog as a Service (DLGaaS), the v1beta1 protocols will be removed in the next Mix release and v1beta2 (where applicable) will be removed in the following release. Please upgrade your applications to use the v1 protocols.

The beta endpoints will also be removed in the next Mix release. See URLs to runtime services for the production endpoints to use.

For DLGaaS, the v1beta1 and v1beta2 protocols have been removed. These endpoints are no longer available.

Fixed issues

Known issues

Known issues identified since 3.2.0 include:

Mix 3.2.0 — 2 June 2020

New features and changes

This release of Nuance Mix introduces the following new features and changes:

Fixed issues

Known issues

Known issues identified since 3.1.0 include:

Mix 3.1.0 — 5 May 2020

New features and changes

This release of Nuance Mix introduces the following new features and changes:

Fixed issues

Known issues

Known issues identified since 3.0.0 include:

Mix 3.0.0 — 31 March 2020

New features

This General Availability (GA) release of Nuance Mix introduces the following new features.

Mix product (overall)

Language support

The following new languages were added:

Language Language code
English (Great Britain) en-GB
French (France) fr-FR
Spanish (United States) es-US

For the complete list of languages, see Languages.

TTS voices

Many TTS voices were added. For the complete list of voices, see TTS voices.




Nuance runtime services

New v1 protocols for all services. Earlier protocols are supported but deprecated, as noted earlier.


Rate limiting applies to all runtime services.

NLU as a Service (NLUaaS)

Dialog as a Service (DLGaaS)


Three new additions to the documentation set:

For other documentation updates, see each document's change log.

Known issues

Below are known issues in this GA release.




Nuance runtime services

NLU as a Service (NLUaaS)


Search is limited to the immediate page rather than to the entire documentation set. (FIXED)

Beta Release Notes

The Mix Platform is now GA. See Release Notes for details.

Beta releases are detailed below:

Last update: 2020-04-03

Mix 3.0.0-beta4 — February 2020

This release of Mix introduces the following new features:

For other documentation updates, see each document's change log.

Known issues

Mix 3.0.0-beta3 — January 2020

This release of Mix introduces the following new features:

For documentation updates, see each document's change log.

Known issues

Mix 3.0.0-beta2 — December 2019

This release of Mix introduces the following new features:

Fixed issues

Known issues

Mix 3.0.0-beta1 — October 2019

For interim features introduced between beta1 and beta2, see the Change log.

Below are known issues in the 3.0.0-beta1 release.

Nuance Mix (product overall)



This list not updated. See more recent features added.


The Mix.api, which gives programmatic access to Mix, is not yet available.

Nuance runtime services

There is currently no "speech to meaning" entry point (ASR + NLU).

ASR as a Service (ASRaaS)

NLU as a Service (NLUaaS)

TTS as a Service (TTSaaS)


Search is limited to the immediate page rather than to the entire documentation set.

Mix 2.x to 3.0.0-beta1 change list

Below are some differences between Mix 2.x and Mix 3.0.0-beta1.

Nuance Mix (product overall)




Nuance runtime services

ASR as a Service (ASRaaS)

NLU as a Service (NLUaaS)

TTS as a Service (TTSaaS)

Dialog as a Service (DLGaaS)