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Key tasks

This section summarizes the key tasks for creating and deploying applications with Mix.

(Click the image for a close-up view)

  1. You first create a project from Mix.dashboard. A project contains all the data necessary for building ASR, NLU, and dialog resources.
  2. You then author the ASR, NLU, and dialog resources using the Mix tools:
    • Mix.nlu to generate ASR DLMs and NLU models
    • Mix.dialog to create conversational applications
  3. Once you are happy with the Mix resources that you have created, you create builds for the resources you want to use in your runtime application.
  4. You then create and deploy an application configuration, which lets you define the resource versions that you want to use in your client application and deploy them in a runtime environment.
  5. You authorize your client application so that it can access the runtime services, using the OAuth 2.0 protocol.
  6. Finally, use your Mix resources in your client application, through one of the following runtime services:

Project dashboard overview

Many key tasks are performed using Mix.dashboard, which lists your Mix projects. A project contains all the data necessary for building ASR, NLU, and dialog resources.

The following diagram shows a sample dashboard:

From Mix.dashboard, you first create a project. Once you have created your project, it is listed in the Projects area.

When you select a project, you can use the following tabs: