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Languages and Voices

This document lists the languages and voices that are generally available for Mix.


Languages are specified using the following form:



For example, French can be represented as follows:

Note: Currently, you must specify the language codes for the Mix.asr and Mix.nlu URNs using 6-letter codes, as shown in the following table. This will be fixed in a future release.

Nuance Mix supports the following languages:

 Language  Language code Language code for
Mix.asr and Mix.nlu URNs
English (United Kingdom) en-GB eng-GBR

Text-to-Speech (TTS) voices

Nuance Mix supports the following voices:

Note: The -Ml suffix indicates that the voice is multilingual. For example, Amelie is mainly Canadian French but can speak English in a French Canadian accent. Additional languages are listed in the Additional languages column.

 Language    Code   Voice Model M/F Additional
English (United Kingdom) en-GB Daniel standard M
English (United Kingdom) en-GB Kate standard F
English (United Kingdom) en-GB Malcolm enhanced M
English (United Kingdom) en-GB Oliver standard M
English (United Kingdom) en-GB Serena enhanced F
English (United Kingdom) en-GB Stephanie standard F