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Change log

This document provides a summary of new features and enhancements, and known and fixed issues, for the Nuance® Mix Platform. Also see the Mix Learn tab for feature announcements and other improvements to the platform.

2022 November



(Mix.dashboard) The All Organizations option has moved to the bottom of the Organizations list in the main Projects view. This change will prevent users from clicking the option accidentally and having to wait for the list of projects to load.

In addition, various enhancements were made to Organizations Users tab in the Manage tab. For details see Manage organization users. Note the two new roles available: Promotion approver and Pro services (PS), described in Organization roles.

Documentation updates

See the Mix.nlu change log.

2022 October


Feature highlight

After logging in to Mix you'll land on the newly designed Mix Home tab. The Home tab provides new and experienced users a space to learn more about Mix, easily create new or access recent projects, see the latest announcements, join the Mix community, and more. For details, see Home tab.


A new Expert role is available, to provide users with access to more advanced features, such as the ability to upload rule-based grammars. See Organization roles.

Mix.dialog now provides support for emojis, symbols, and square brackets in messages. See the Mix.dialog change log for details.

Note: To use emojis and symbols in messages or assignments, enter their graphic form directly into the text field. Unicode escape strings you might have in existing projects are supported for backward compatibility only. HTML decimal and hexadecimal equivalents are not supported.

Fixed issue

(Event logs) The startTime and durationMs values currently returned in the Data processingTime field cannot be used reliably.

Note: Nuance is evaluating the impact on reported latency in the event logs. Note that true latency has not changed. Only the values reported in the event logs (startTime and durationMs) were incorrect.

Documentation updates

See the following change logs:


Feature highlight

Mix.dialog offers new functions that return the current date and time for the specified time zone. After storing the result of either function in a variable, you can use it in conditions and messages, in your dialog design.


The maximum value for the session idle timeout, set with the session_timeout_sec field of the StartRequest message, has been increased from 90000s (25 hours) to 259200‬s (72 hours). The default session idle timeout remains at 900s (15 minutes). See the Dialog as a Service change log.

Known issue

(Event logs) The startTime and durationMs values currently returned in the Data processingTime field cannot be used reliably.

Fixed issue

(Mix.dialog) After deleting intents, stray data might remain in your dialog design, which generates warnings for intent mappers nodes when you validate your design. For example:

Note: Once you have validated your design, Mix.dialog now lets you remove the stray data.

Documentation updates

See the following change logs:

2022 September


Feature highlight

It is now possible to set data types for entities in both Mix.nlu and Mix.dialog. A data type specifies what type of content will be collected by an entity. What were previously known as entity types are now called collection methods. Collection methods specify how the entity data is collected.

Data types allow dialog designers to apply methods and formatting appropriate to the data type in conditions and messages. Each data type has a number of compatible collection methods. Changing the collection method to another compatible collection method will not impact existing conditions and message formatting.

For more information, see the following documentation change logs:


Support for hyphens (-) in intent and entity names. For more information, see Naming guidelines in the Mix.dialog documentation.

Note: Intent and entity names cannot start with hyphens.


Documentation updates

See the Mix.dialog change log.



A new language-specific speech setting, available at the project, channel, and node levels, allows you to tune the weight of the ASR domain language model built from samples defined in Mix.nlu, and referenced at runtime, when the Dialog service orchestrates with the ASR service.

See the following change logs for more information:



Users can now delete builds in the Manage tab. For more information, see Delete a build.

2022 August



(Mix.dashboard) It is now easier for newly added project members to find a project by selecting the organization, rather than choosing from the All Organizations list. Users must be part of the organization to have access from Applications and Organizations in the Manage tab.

(Mix.nlu) Improvements to the CSV log produced when there are training issues, to include warning information as well as error information, and clearer messages about the sources of any issues. See the Mix.nlu change log for details.



(Mix.dialog) In multilingual projects, you can define different interactive elements for each language. Note that it is no longer required for an entity value to exist in all languages to be allowed to configure an interactive element for this value.

Documentation updates



Mix provides the ability to add, modify, and enable/disable channels after a project has been created. See Add a channel.

Documentation updates

See the following change logs for updates:

2022 July



In TTSaaS, you can reference audio files in synthesis requests via secure URL as well as URN, using the SSML <audio> element or Nuance control code, audio. In previous versions, audio files were available only via URN. You can also specify alternative text in SSML <audio> elements, which TTS synthesizes if it cannot access the file. See the TTS as a Service change log for details.

The process to import TRSX and ZIP files was improved. When importing a TRSX or a ZIP file, samples will no longer be dropped when a problem is identified. If a valid intent is referenced, the sample is placed in the intent, in intent-assigned state, without annotations. If the intent is invalid, the sample is placed in UNASSIGNED_SAMPLES, without annotations.

Mix.nlu improvements, including:

Fixed issues

Mix.nlu does not support annotating a sample in a character-based language when it contains user-entered spaces.

Inability to add a second annotation in a sample in some cases for character-based languages.

Tokenization issue for the Thai language: The display splits some alphabets into two or more characters.



The Runtime Event Logs documentation now includes additional details on events generated when a dialog session is terminated.

Documentation updates

See the following change logs for updates:

2022 June



For Mix.nlu, updates to Bulk operations under both Develop and Optimize. When the number of samples is large and samples are displayed in pages, you can now select all samples on all pages to apply bulk operations. For detail, see the Mix.nlu change log.

Fixed issue

(Mix.dialog) Any question and answer node named "company" might generate an error at runtime (class java.util.HashMap cannot be cast to class java.lang.String...).


Documentation updates

See the Mix.dialog change log.


Documentation updates

See the Mix tips for IVR developers change log.



In Mix.dialog, you can now resize the Components pane by clicking and dragging the border of the pane to the right or left. You can also fully expand a section of the Components pane or change its height, by clicking and dragging the Intent Components section’s header up or down, or by double-clicking either of the section headers.

Self-hosted customers can now download NLU, ASR, and Dialog models from a deployed application configuration in a specific environment and geography available to them. After downloading model information, users can make their models available in any self-hosted installations. For more information, see Download models for an application configuration .

Documentation updates

See the Mix.dialog change log.

2022 May


Documentation updates

See the Dialog as a Service gRPC API change log.



The following engine packs were released:

These engine packs support version 1.2 of the Dialog service.

For more information, see Manage engine packs and data packs.

Documentation updates

See the Dialog as a Service gRPC API change log.

Note: Proto files have been updated for DLGaaS. See the change log for details.


Documentation updates

See the following change logs for updates:

2022 April


Documentation updates

See the Dialog App Spec change log.



To accommodate different types of HTTP authentication, entering an API key when configuring a webhook in now optional. See Add a webhook in Mix.dashboard.

Users can now download failed ASR builds in the Manage tab. A CSV file is downloaded that lists all errors in the failed build (mirroring the process for failed NLU builds). See Create builds.

Note: Versions has been removed from Mix.dashboard. Now the Details tab includes only the Information and Content sections.

Fixed issue

Mix.dashboard: Importing the JSON file for a dialog model into a project does not update the Details tab and the Targets tab to reflect the channels and modalities from the source project.

Documentation updates

See the Dialog App Spec change log.



For Mix.dialog, improved user experience for the question router node:



For new projects, the dialog service will no longer automatically add spaces in dynamic messages at runtime. This will facilitate use cases such as embedding a URL with dynamic parameters, in a message. (This previously required using an intermediate variable to concatenate the static and dynamic parts of the URL.)

It is possible to migrate existing dialog projects, to take advantage of this change, by exporting the JSON representation of the project, changing a parameter, and importing the JSON file back into the project.

Documentation updates

See the following change logs:



In Mix.dialog a new node-level setting allows you to mark a question and answer node as sensitive. When applied, this setting ensures that all user input collected at this node will be masked in the event logs from all services, and utterance recordings will be suppressed—regardless of whether the interpretation results include sensitive entities. For more information, see the Mix.dialog change log. Also see the change log for Mix Runtime Event logs.

The Rate limits section now contains details about the ASR runtime and ASR training services.

ASRaaS is now gRPC-Web compliant. Note that gRPC-web support is limited to demo applications. It is not meant for production-level applications.

Documentation updates

See the following change logs for other updates:

2022 March


Documentation updates

See the following change logs for updates:



In both Mix.dashboard and Mix.nlu the file upload feature has been redesigned to improve both the look and feel and the functionality:

For more information see Importing samples and the Mix.nlu change log.

The Dialog as a Service ExecuteResponse now returns:

For more information see the Dialog as a Service change log.


Documentation updates

See the following change logs for updates:



To improve dialog event log readability, only the sensitive part of the overall literal will now be redacted if a sensitive entity is recognized, instead of redacting the entire content. For more details, see Dialog values possibly masked.

For more information about log redaction, see Managing sensitive information in an application.

Documentation updates

See the following change logs for other updates:

2022 February



The NLU Model Specification (TRSX) documentation now includes the description of the isSensitive attribute.

Documentation updates

See the following change logs for other updates:


Documentation updates

See the following change logs for updates:


Feature highlight

Mix.dialog now provides the ability to duplicate a node within a component or to another component. See Duplicate a node for details.

Documentation updates

See the following change logs for other updates:

2022 January


Known issue

(Mix.dialog) Any question and answer node named "company" might generate an error at runtime (class java.util.HashMap cannot be cast to class java.lang.String...). Workaround: Rename the node (for example, "Company" or "Get company").

Documentation updates



Mix's password policy has changed. See Update your password.

2021 December


Feature highlight

Mix offers the ability to lock a project. You might lock a project that includes multiple active users to perform an action that would otherwise disrupt the team (such as importing/exporting content, creating a build, running tests). For more information, see Lock a project.


TTSaaS provides an HTTP API for Synthesizer, which uses a transcoder to the gRPC API. This feature lets you use a REST API to get voices and request synthesis.

Documentation updates

See the following change logs for other updates:



Mix.dialog now supports reordering parameters in the Send data and Get data sections of data access nodes and external actions nodes, as well as in the Send data section of question and answer nodes.

Fixed issue

(Mix.dialog) Entity-specific settings: Changing the type of an entity after having configured settings for this entity might result in duplicate confidence thresholds or confirmation strategy settings in the internal representation of your dialog project.
Note: When you validate your design, a warning will identify any stray duplicate setting overrides. To remove the duplicate overrides, open the Project Settings panel, navigate to the entity mentioned in the warning message, and use the Reset icon. Refresh the page and repeat until the Reset icon no longer appears. Configure the setting as desired.

Documentation updates

See the Mix.dialog change log.

2021 November


Documentation updates

See the following change logs for updates:



To better align our tooling with the various customer integrations we support, Mix has introduced the concept of engine packs. An engine pack is a set of pre-determined ASR, NLU, Dialog, and TTS engine versions that are compatible. If engine packs are enabled for your organization, you'll be able to choose the engine pack version that corresponds to the engines you have installed in your environment, thus ensuring that the resources generated for your project are compatible with the engines and that you have access to the appropriate tooling features.

For more information on engine packs, see the following documentation:

Important notes:

You will be notified via announcements when new engine packs become available.



Improvements to Mix.nlu’s Auto-intent feature:

See Apply automation for details.

ASRaaS has an updated proto file that includes a new field for wakeup words. See the ASR as a Service gRPC API change log.

Fixed issues

(Mix.dialog) In the Project settings panel, the Collection default messages and Confirmation default messages sections don't have a modality selector, which might prevent you from viewing messages and their modality-specific variations directly in the panel.

(Mix.dialog) Project settings: Entity-specific settings are not available for custom entities that have an isA relationship to another custom entity.

Documentation updates

See the following change logs for other updates:



Deployment flows in the Manage tab now include additional details, such as the name of the user who requested the deployment, the user who approved it, the deployed date, and the list of data hosts. See Deploy an application configuration.

A new, revamped NLU modeling best practices topic describes best practices for creating high-quality NLU models, including tips for designing the model, generating training data, and evaluating and improving NLU accuracy.

Documentation updates

See the following change logs for other updates:

2021 October



In Mix.dialog, the Validation panel lets you navigate more efficiently to areas that need attention, in the Node properties pane or Messages resource panel, from error and warning messages. These areas are now outlined in red (error) or orange (warning).

Documentation updates

See the following change logs:



Mix.dialog has new output formatting options for TTS and Audio Script messages. Mainly, it is now possible to apply TTS formatting in the Audio Script modality for variables and entities that support output formatting, and to add SSML tags to format string-type entities and variables in both the TTS and Audio Script modalities.

Documentation updates

See the following change logs for more information on this enhancement:

2021 September


Feature highlights

In compliance with U.S. and international laws and in accordance with Nuance’s Child Data Policy (COPPA), the workflow for creating builds has changed. Nuance’s policy is related to online services that are subject to applicable child data privacy laws, such as, but not limited to, the Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) and Article 8 of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Nuance’s Child Data Policy prohibits providing hosted services to websites or online services that are primarily directed towards children under the age of 16. For more information see Children's data privacy legal acknowledgement.

It is now possible to assign a reporting property to simple variables in Mix.dialog, to facilitate the generation of reports based on event logs from the Dialog service. This new property allows you to flag variables that are relevant for reporting, and specify if they should be interpreted as dimensions, attributes or metrics. The Dialog service takes care of logging the reporting metadata and values, via the reporting-vars event, whenever they are set or updated at runtime.

A new predefined variable, ExternalResourceReferences, is available in all Mix.dialog projects, to support referencing external NLU and ASR resources. At runtime, these resources augment and improve recognition and interpretation results. This includes:

See also Referencing compiled resources in the DLGaaS documentation.

In Mix.dialog, you can define latency messages to be displayed or played while data is being retrieved at data access nodes. Note that, at runtime, after the client application receives a continue action with a latency message from the Dialog service, it must respond with an ExecuteRequest to continue the flow. See Data access actions and Continue actions for more information.

Beta feature release

The Mix.dialog user interface is now available in Japanese. See Change the user interface language.


The Mix.dialog note editor and the node description field are more spacious and easier to use.

It is now possible to add newlines in your Rich Text messages, notes, and node descriptions in Mix.dialog, by using the keyboard shortcut Shift+Enter (or Shift+Return). Note that this adds the \n sequence in the internal representation of your messages. Therefore, don't insert line breaks in TTS and Audio Script messages.

Known issues

(Mix.dialog) In Firefox inserting a line break, in a Rich Text message, a note, or a node description, sometimes generates an additional line break. Workaround: Delete any unwanted line breaks.

(Mix.nlu/Mix.dialog) After deleting an intent in Mix.nlu, stray data might remain in your dialog design, which generates warnings for intent mappers nodes when you validate your design. For example:

Workaround: (1) Export your dialog model. (2) In projectIntentMappings, look for the mapping object with the intent ID from the "Error finding intent with id..." warning. (3) Delete the unwanted mapping object. (4) Import the amended JSON file back into your project.

Fixed issues

English (UK) dynamic concatenated audio support: In dialog applications meant to support English (UK), dynamic Audio Script messages with output formatting generate an error at runtime.

In the case of client applications that support multiple channels, the Dialog service might return message information for modalities that are not applicable in the active channel. Note that if your client application is correctly configured, this change should have no impact.

Documentation updates

See the following change logs:

Note: Proto files have been updated for DLGaaS. See the change log for details.



Documentation updates

See the following change logs:



For languages with multiple versions available, you can now select a locale version along with the language when creating a project.

The Quick Reference page now lists the Authorization scopes available in Mix.

2021 August



In Mix.Dashboard, the Import/Export tab provides a View Report link to see the results of your latest NLU model import, including any warnings and errors such as duplicate samples. See Import NLU data.

The Quick Reference page now lists the Mix runtime services that are gRPC-Web compliant.

Obsolete protocol

For NLU as a Service, the v1beta1 protocol has been removed from the software and the documentation.

Documentation updates

See the following change logs:


Feature highlight

The formatted literal, which exposes the formatted text returned in the speech recognition result, is now accessible through NLUaaS and DLGaaS, as well as available in the Mix.dialog tool at the active intent, entity, and last interpretation result levels. For more information on how the formatted literal differs from the literal result, see Interpretation results: Literals.


In Mix.dialog, the Variable and Node vertical accordion menus have changed to horizontal flyout menus for improved usability; for example, to better organize elements in a clear hierarchy, offer top-level search filtering across all elements, and to reduce the need to scroll.

Documentation updates

See the following change logs:

Note: Proto files have been updated for DLGaaS and NLUaaS. See the change logs for details.


Feature highlight

The Mix documentation includes a new Integration section. This first release provides Mix tips for IVR developers, such as important factors to consider when creating and designing an application in Mix and when calling the DLGaaS API in the context of IVR.


The Dialog as a Service runtime API documentation includes additional information on how to reference recorded audio files for the Audio Script modality. See Interact with the user using audio.

The Mix.nlu Optimize tab permits filtering by newly suggested intents.

Improved troubleshooting for failed NLU builds: Ability to download errors when build/train actions fail. See Create builds and Training error log.

The title in the browser tab for Mix.nlu and Mix.dialog now includes the project name, in addition to the project ID.

Other documentation updates

See the following change logs for other updates and improvements:

2021 July


Feature highlight

Mix provides a mechanism that allows you to receive event notifications with webhooks. Webhooks are POST requests sent to a web application when a specific event is triggered. For example, you can configure a webhook that will send a notification when a new application configuration tag is created or an application configuration is deployed. Note that the ability to create, manage, and delete application webhooks is available to users with specific roles. See Configure webhooks to receive event notifications for details.


In Mix.dialog it is now possible, in your question and answer nodes, to configure system actions, DTMF mappings, and interactive elements for isA relationship entities associated with a list entity.

TTSaaS has an updated proto file that includes a new field for GetVoicesResponse—Voice: foreign_languages, to return the additional languages available for multilingual ("Ml") voices. See the TTS as a Service gRPC API change log.
Note also that for security reasons binary (encrypted) rulesets are no longer supported.

Fixed issue

(Mix.dialog) Using variables of type decimal in conditional expressions can generate unexpected results.
Note: Variables of type decimal do not yet support arithmetic operations.

Documentation updates

See the following change logs:



The documentation now provides rate limits for runtime services.

The data access documentation includes additional information for using Mix.dialog variables as URL parameters in the Get method.

Documentation updates

See the Mix.dialog change log.


Documentation updates

See the following change logs:

2021 June


Feature highlight

Mix.dialog offers a new and improved user experience for conditions, actions, and messages, namely so that users can now:

For more information see the updated documentation to Set messages and actions, as well as the new section on how to move a message, action, note, or condition.


The Runtime Event Logs documentation now specifies the retention period for audio files.

For Mix.dialog, the Reentry message section of question and answer nodes now shows the Initial message by default, and allows you to explicitly override it if desired. This makes the behavior of the reentry message easier to understand. See Add a reentry message.

Documentation updates

The DLGaaS documentation includes information on passing inline wordsets to DLGaaS at runtime. Wordsets are used to boost recognition and interpretation of dynamic list entities by ASRaaS and NLUaaS. See the Dialog as a Service gRPC API change log for details, including expanded documentation on the concept of a session and session storage in DLGaaS.

See the following change logs for other updates and improvements:


Feature highlight

Documentation on the event logs generated by the Mix runtime services. Event logs can be used for troubleshooting, monitoring, reporting, billing, and so on. For more information, see Nuance Mix Runtime Event Logs.

Note: To use the two REST APIs available to access event logging data, Nuance must enable event logs in your application. Please contact your Nuance representative for more information.


Improvements to the "Create a new project" user experience, including the ability to select a predefined template when using the "Quick start" option and to switch the project organization at any time (Quick start and Custom/Build your own project), as well as improved interactivity as you move through each step of the process. See Create a project for details.

NLUaaS includes the new formatted_literal field, which provides a formatted version of the literal for user inputs coming from ASR results. See the NLU as a Service change log for more information.

Documentation updates

See the following change logs for other updates and improvements:


Feature highlight

TTSaaS offers a new storage API for uploading synthesis tuning resources to Mix cloud storage. This API allows you to include user dictionaries, ActivePrompt databases, and rulesets in your synthesis requests. See Storage API.


Changes to treatment of NLUaaS interpretation result confidences in the case of exact matches for text coming from ASR recognition results. See Interpretation results: Confidence.

2021 May



Robust linking between intent and intent components. Mix.dialog now keeps intent component names in sync with the intent they handle. A broken link icon identifies intent components for which the intent they were meant to handle has been deleted. You can now relink such intent components to another intent, or convert them into generic components, as needed.

See the Mix.dialog and the Dialog App Spec change logs for details.


Documentation updates

The Runtime APIs Quick Reference was updated to allow download of the new NLUaaS Wordset and ASRaaS Training proto files.

See the Mix.dialog change log for recent updates.


Feature highlights

NLUaaS and ASRaaS now provide support for compiling large wordsets ahead of time and for performing operations on those wordsets. Compiled wordsets are stored on the Mix platform and can be referenced at runtime, improving interpretation performance while reducing the latency involved with inline wordsets. For NLUaaS this is supported through a new Wordset API, while for ASRaaS this is supported through a new Training API. For more details see the documentation change logs for NLUaaS and ASRaaS.

Mix.dialog command overrides: A new section in question and answer nodes allows you to configure command overrides to handle commands locally through System Actions, and to extend the scope of the entity in focus.


Mix.dialog provides the ability to filter the variables and schemas in the Variables resource panel by using a search field.

Obsolete protocol

For NLU as a Service, the v1beta1 protocol is obsolete and no longer supported.

Known issue

(Mix.dialog) Project settings: Entity-specific settings are not available for custom entities that have an isA relationship to another custom entity.

Documentation updates

See the following change logs for other updates and improvements:

2021 April



Mix.nlu Auto-intent: Auto-intent suggests intents for selected samples. Auto-intent can be applied to all UNASSIGNED_SAMPLES in the training set, or to samples added via the Optimize tab Samples editor or Develop tab .txt file import. See the Mix.nlu change log for details.


Feature highlights

ASRaaS provides support for wakeup words—the phrases users say to activate an application—by letting you specify one or more wakeup words and optionally filter them from final results. See Wakeup words.

New languages: Hebrew, Indonesian, Romanian, and Thai. For the complete list see Languages.

Known issue

(Mix.nlu) Tokenization issue for the Thai language: The display splits some alphabets into two or more characters. For best behavior annotate as one unit.


Mix.dialog and DLGaaS server-side integration: Ability to use variables (including complex variable fields) as dynamic values for data access headers when configuring data access nodes. For more information on exchanging data from the dialog application (server-side integration), see Exchanging data from the dialog application.

Documentation updates

See the following change logs for other updates and improvements:


The Mix Learn experience is live! The Learn tab, located in Mix Dashboard, provides users from all skill levels—from beginner voice designers to experts in the field of conversational design—with easy access to the knowledge and resources needed to build intelligent conversational experiences in Mix. To keep you informed of new content and new features, you'll also find regular release Announcements and alerts on login.

2021 March



The Mix.nlu Discover tab's new search functionality permits filtering by search string or regular expression (regex) pattern. See Filtering displayed data in the Mix.nlu documentation.

The DLGaaS gRPC API now includes a new method, Status, to check how much time is left on a previously started session. Note also that the maximum value for the session idle timeout, set with the session_timeout_sec field of the StartRequest message, has been increased to 90000 seconds (25 hours). The default session idle timeout remains at 900s (15 minutes). See the Dialog as a Service gRPC API change log for more information on these enhancements.

Documentation updates

See the following change logs for other updates and improvements:


Feature highlight

The new Mix.dashboard Data Packs tab is now available and lets users specify which versions of the Nuance Data Packs (NDP) are used in a project. For more information, see Upgrading to a new NDP version


Mix.dialog now provides the ability to preinitialize complex variables. This makes it possible to use complex variables and their fields in assign actions within your dialog design, or send them to external systems that do not support NULL inputs. Note that this feature is not yet available for complex variables with fields that are lists.

The DLGaaS gRPC API includes a new method, UpdateRequest, to update session data once a session has started. See Step 6. Update session data for details.


Feature highlight

In previous releases, the Manage tab mixed information that applied to application configurations with information that applied to the actual application.

The Manage tab was updated so that, when an application configuration is selected, only information related to that configuration is displayed. To access the application information (such as AppId, Members, and Details), click the Settings icon.

Documentation updates

See the following change logs for updates and improvements:



The Mix.nlu Optimize tab now provides improved functionality, for:

See Optimize model development in the Mix.nlu documentation.


Feature highlight

New language: Hungarian. For the complete list see Languages.

Documentation updates

See the following change logs for updates and improvements:



For projects meant to support a VoiceXML application, Mix.dialog supports external confirmation grammar references at the project level. These grammars are used at the confirmation step of question and answer nodes that collect an entity subject to confirmation.

2021 February



In the DLGaaS API, the StreamInput message now contains an optional second message for control_message, to be able to control the no-input timer of the ASR service.

Also, the AsrParamsV1 message now contains the formatting field, to specify how the transcription results should be presented in the ASR formatted_text results, and the speech_domain field, which maps to internal weight sets for language models in the data pack. Note that both of these recognition parameters support options specific to the NDP data pack.


Feature highlight

In Mix.dialog users can now apply formatting to their annotations in the different supported modalities. This includes date, time, amount, digits, alphanumerical, decimal, and number formatting, for Text, TTS (including SSML <say-as> tags), and Audio Script (with CPR support). The format editor offers formatting options suitable for the data type, active language, and message format, and a sample formatted value appears next to the annotation. For more information, see Dynamic messages, as well as the Mix Community Forum announcement.



Mix.dialog Try mode: Ability to provide stub data for external action nodes.



In the DLGaaS API, the AsrParamsV1 message now contains the resources field, to specify ASR resources (DLMs, wordsets, builtins, speaker profiles) to improve recognition. See the Dialog as a Service gRPC API change log for more information.

Documentation updates

See the following change logs for other updates and improvements:



The Notifications console has been redesigned and is now available in all Mix tools (dashboard, Mix.nlu, Mix.dialog). The new design makes it easier to differentiate notifications, with icons and colors that represent the notification type and status, and to filter by project and status.


Feature highlight

Mix.dialog has made it easier to find nodes and components in the Components pane, which now supports filtering by keyword and by node type. For example, during design and review, you can quickly search for a node or component by keyword, or show only nodes of a specific type to easily compare their respective configuration. For more information, see Filter the Components pane, as well as the Mix Community Forum announcement.


Feature highlight

New languages: Norwegian and Traditional Cantonese. For the complete list see Languages.


When DLGaaS calls TTSaaS through the StreamInput request, it now specifies the ssml input type, which permits using SSML tags to format TTS output. For more information about Speech Synthesis Markup Language (SSML) tags, see the TTSaaS documentation.

The UserInput field of the ExecuteRequest payload now includes the input_mode as a top-level field, to allow DLGaaS clients to send the input mode (dtmf/voice) with the recognition results for reporting purposes.

Fixed issue

(Mix.dialog) Project Settings: Enabling or disabling multiple settings in quick succession might affect your project's integrity.

Documentation updates

See the following change logs for other updates and improvements:


Feature highlights

New language: Turkish (Turkey). For the complete list, see Languages.

New voices: For the Basque (Spain), Marathi (India), Spanish (Mexico), French (Canada), Japanese (Japan), Chinese (China), and Swedish (Sweden) languages. For the complete list, see Text-to-Speech (TTS) voices.

2021 January


Feature highlight

The Mix.nlu Discover tab now provides more fine-grained controls to select and filter retrieved application data. You can now select a date range, and filter samples by recognized intents and entities, confidence score range, and the character count range. In addition, you can seamlessly add data back into your model as additional training data, and easily correct the recognized intent before you add a sample. Note that any entity corrections must be performed after adding the data to the model. See Discover what your users say for details, as well as the Mix Community Forum announcement.


Fixed issues

(Mix.dialog) For question and answer nodes that collect NLU intents (and do not reference a question router node), validation generates an unwanted warning.

(Mix.dialog) For question and answer nodes that collect Boolean or yes/no entities, if there aren't any actions set in the Default section of the System Actions, and the node does not reference a question router node, this generates an unwanted warning. Validation reports: "Recognition node has no controller and defines no transition to another node in its default actions." You can safely ignore this warning.


Obsolete protocols

For ASR as a Service, the v1beta1 and v1beta2 protocols have been removed from the software and the documentation, and are no longer supported.

Documentation updates

See the Mix.dialog change log for recent updates.



Collection, DTMF, and Speech settings have been added to the recognition settings passed with the ExecuteResponse of the DLGaaS API, to facilitate integrations with platforms that perform speech and/or DTMF recognition.

The process to import TRSX and ZIP files from the Mix.dashboard was improved. When importing a TRSX or a ZIP file, a status message is now displayed. When importing a TRSX file, all other import types will be blocked while the import is in progress. See Import NLU data for the procedure.

Documentation updates

Added information on the new formatting scheme, all_as_katakana, available in Japanese data packs. For more information, including on the formatting options available to specify how numbers are displayed, see Japanese options.

Updated code samples in the runtime services documentation to reflect the most up-to-date syntax for client ID.

See the following change logs for details, including other updates and improvements:


Feature highlight

When deploying an application configuration (context tag) in an environment, a color-coded indicator now provides feedback on the progress of the deployment. See Deploy an application configuration for details, as well as the Mix Community Forum announcement.

2019-2020 archives


Nuance Mix 3.6 is available. See the Release Notes.


Mix version: GA (3.6.0 candidate)

To mask customer information in accordance with Personally Identifiable Information (PII) standards, you can now mark entities and variables as sensitive in both Mix.nlu and Mix.dialog. At runtime sensitive data will be masked in all call logs for the application.

Note: For changes to take effect in the runtime services, you need to build a new model and deploy it to the applicable environments. Only then will the runtime services be aware of the updates and start masking the entities and/or variables.

See the following change logs for details, including other updates and improvements:

Proto files have been updated for DLGaaS, ASRaaS, and NLUaaS.


Mix version: GA (3.5.0)

Mix.nlu: New Optimize tab

The Mix.nlu Optimize tab is intended for advanced users to help optimize model development. Optimize offers the same functionality as the Develop tab but is better suited to large and/or complex projects. Develop remains the best choice for smaller DIY projects, and for new and novice users. For more information, see the Mix.nlu documentation.

Other updates and improvements


Mix version: GA (3.5.0)

For other documentation changes made since the last update, see the following change logs:


Mix version: GA (3.5.0)

See the Mix.dialog change log for recent updates.


Mix version: GA (3.5.0)

New languages are available. For the complete list see Languages.


Nuance Mix 3.5 is available. See the Release Notes.

See the following change logs for updates to the documentation:


Mix version: GA (3.4.0)

Deprecated voices have been removed. See the 3.5 Release Notes.

For a list of documentation changes since the last update, see the following change logs:


Mix version: GA (3.4.0)

A new voice and new languages are available. See Languages and Voices.

For a list of documentation changes since the last update, see the following change logs:


Mix version: GA (3.4.0)

TTSaaS improvements

TTSaaS has an updated proto file that includes new and modified fields. For more information, see the TTS as a Service gRPC API change log.

Other documentation updates

See also the Mix.nlu, Mix.dialog, and Dialog App Spec change logs.


Mix version: GA (3.4.0)

New TTS voices are available for English (United States) and Japanese (Japan) and some voices have been deprecated. See Text-to-Speech (TTS) voices.

DLGaaS improvements

DLGaaS has an updated proto file that includes the following change:

For more information, see the Dialog as a Service gRPC API change log.

Other documentation updates

See the Dialog App Spec change log.


Mix version: GA (3.4.0)

A new language is available: Catalan (Spain). See Languages.

DLGaaS improvements

DLGaaS has an updated proto file that includes the following changes:

For more information, see the Dialog as a Service gRPC API change log.

Mix.nlu: Verification workflow enhancements

Further enhancements have been made to the Mix.nlu sample verification workflow to enable batch operations. See the Mix.nlu change log.


Mix version: GA (3.4.0)

Mix.nlu: New Discover tab

The Mix.nlu Discover tab allows you to see what users are saying to your deployed application, giving you the opportunity to refine your NLU models based on actual data.

Note: In order to view user data, you need to have call logs and the feedback loop enabled for your specific Mix application. Contact your Nuance representative for more information.

Once functionality has been enabled and traffic has been flowing through to your application, Discover will display user data collected during the last seven days, including the intent the sentence mapped to, any recognized entities, confidence score, collection date, and region. For more information, see the Mix.nlu documentation. Additional functionality is coming soon, including the ability to export the data, add the samples directly into your project, and more.


Mix version: GA (3.4.0)

Mix.nlu: Verification workflow enhancements

Enhancements have been made to the Mix.nlu sample verification workflow based on user feedback, including:

See the Mix.nlu change log for more information.


Mix version: GA (3.4.0)

For a list of documentation changes since the last release, see the following change logs:


Nuance Mix 3.4 is available. See the Release Notes.


Mix version: GA (3.4.0 candidate)

Mix.Dashboard change: Manage tab

The Applications and Namespaces tabs are now located in the new Manage tab. When navigating to the Manage tab area of the Dashboard, you will find familiar features along the left side of the page, where you can:

Note: The Build function previously located in the Console area of the Dashboard and Mix.nlu has moved to the Manage tab.

In addition to these improvements, the location of the namespace selector has been moved up to a more prominent location, and the namespace selected upon initial login will now default to your personal namespace.


Mix version: GA (3.4.0 candidate)

New TTS voices are available for Russian (Russia), Malay (Malaysia), and Vietnamese (Vietnam). See Text-to-Speech (TTS) voices.

New languages are available: Russian (Russia) and Portuguese (Portugal). See Languages.

Obsolete protocol

For TTS as a Service, the v1beta1 protocol is obsolete and no longer supported.

ocumentation changes

For recent updates, see the following documentation change logs:


Mix version: GA (3.3.0)

New TTS voices are available for English (India). See Text-to-Speech (TTS) voices.

New languages are available: English (India), Hindi (India), Italian (Italy), and Spanish (Spain). See Languages.

A new section on Roles and permissions is now available in the documentation.

For recent documentation improvements, see the following change logs:


Mix version: GA (3.3.0)

See the Mix.dialog change log for recent updates.


Mix version: GA (3.3.0)

For recent documentation improvements, see the following change logs:


Mix version: GA (3.3.0)

Added additional information to Verify samples to explain the impact of the new "intent verified" and "fully verified" states.


Mix version: GA (3.3.0)

You can now create multiple client IDs for the same app ID. See Create a client ID for details.

Mix.nlu now includes a verification flow for project samples allowing you more control over which samples are used for your models. See Verify samples.

The TRSX format was updated to add the fullyVerified attribute and is now at version 2.5. See the change log for details.

For other documentation changes, see:


Mix version: GA (3.3.0)

See the Mix.dialog change log for recent updates.


See the Nuance Mix 3.3.0 Release Notes.


Mix version: GA (3.3.0 candidate)

New languages and TTS voices are available. For the complete list, see Languages and Voices.

For a list of documentation changes since the last release, see the following change logs:


Mix version: GA (3.2.0)

Support for multiple languages per project

This new feature includes the ability to:

The Key Tasks and Mix.nlu documentation topics have been updated accordingly.


Nuance Mix 3.2.0 is available. See Release Notes for details.

Documentation addition

See Exchange data with an external system.


Mix version: GA (3.1.0)

Documentation improvements


Mix version: GA (3.1.0)

Mix.dialog improvements

For details, see the following change logs:


Mix version: GA (3.1.0)

For a list of documentation changes since the last release, see the following change logs:


Nuance Mix 3.1.0 is available. See Release Notes for details.

Mix version: GA (3.1.0)

For a list of documentation changes since the last update, see the following change logs:


Mix version: GA (3.1.0 candidate)

For a list of changes since the last release, see the Dialog as a Service gRPC API change log.


Mix version: GA (3.1.0 candidate)

New TTS voices are available. For the complete list, see TTS voices.

For a list of documentation changes since the last release, see the following change logs:


Mix version: GA (3.0.0)

Important note

When upgrading a dialog application to DLGaaS API v1, you need to re-build your dialog application and deploy a new application configuration.

Languages and voices

Documentation improvements


For Mix General Availability (GA) Release Notes, see Release Notes.


Mix version: Beta 4

Documentation improvements

For a list of changes since the last release, see the Mix.dialog change log.


Mix version: Beta 4

Documentation improvements

For a list of changes since the last release, see the Dialog App Spec change log.


Mix Beta 4 is now available. See Release Notes for details.


Mix version: Beta 3

Documentation improvements

For a list of changes since the last release, see the documentation change logs:


Mix Beta 3 is now available. See Release Notes for details.


Mix version: Beta 2

Mix.dialog improvements

Below are new features added to Mix.dialog since the Beta 2 release:


Mix Beta 2 is available. See Release Notes for details.


Mix version: Beta

Documentation improvements

For a list of changes since the last release, see the Dialog as a Service gRPC API change log.


Mix version: Beta

Languages and voices

Documentation improvements

For a list of changes since the last release, see the documentation change logs:


Mix version: Beta

Languages and voices

Mix.nlu improvements

Mix.dialog improvements

TTSaaS improvements

Documentation improvements

For a list of changes since the last release, see the documentation change logs:


Mix version: Beta

Languages and voices

Documentation improvements

For a list of changes since the last release, see the documentation change logs:


Mix version: Beta

Documentation improvements

For a list of changes since the last release, see the documentation change logs:


Mix version: Beta

Mix.dialog improvements

Below are changes made to Mix.dialog since the initial Beta release.


Ability to specify whether an entity with values is a menu or a list, and to choose whether to treat all values of a custom entity uniquely:

Predefined return variables returnCode and returnMessage for data access nodes.

Ability to delete an expression in a condition with more than one expression.


Channel-specific behaviors, specified in the Node properties pane, display on the graph with different colored lines between nodes.

NLU panel

Ability to delete intents from the NLU panel. These changes propagate from Mix.dialog to Mix.nlu.

Node properties – Question & Answer

Redesign of the Question & Answer node to provide easier access to the node's properties.

When NLU Intent is selected as the User Input format, a button offers automatic connection to an Intent Mapper node.

Preliminary support for nomatch event handling (click the Settings icon and choose Recovery).

Node properties – General

Ability to use Assign to specify various states of fulfillment for an entity, including confirmed, completed, and required, as well as the ability to clear an entity's previously filled value, and to fill a value based on input other than the user's input.

Known issue: The attributes .isConfirmed and .isCompleted are initially set to True by default. To use these attributes, first set them to False.


Ability to Try a dialog that includes Data Access nodes.

Known issue: For nodes with multiple issues, Try only shows a message for the first issue.


Initial Beta release.

See Release Notes for details.